The end timeframe was about the time the MESMRs were turned off and the licenses (frequencies) sold to Nextel. It was the beginning of the end for LMR outside of public safety use. The 70s and 80s were a time of innovation and development.
I jumped on the local system in 1994, Motorola owned it until 1997. when nextel took it over, the billing was all screwed up. i had my radios programmed for max options, like many systems, full 3 TG on fleet, phone service, private call, but just had most turned off. once nextel took over, all the systems and features became enabled, and billed as such, then it was hell trying to get them to turn off all the extras. the local system was finally shut down in 1999. i noticed the system was increasing in activity until a peak around 1996, they had somany users they assigned my TG 3 to another business. it was cool to trunk with them using my existing radio.
interesting thing about call alert, i could call alert any radio on the system, so being the punk young guy i was, when i was bored, i would type in 6 digit ids and see which ones responded back with a page confirmation. lol so heres a useless tidbit. i had numerous radios programmed by motorola but turned off service, they still recieved but would not access the system. so......they did not require service to page. id hand out one to a friend and say page this number, once they did, my active radio would beep, i would key the system and they would jump on my carrier for free. had plenty of ragchew conversations like that. lol