SDS100/SDS200: SDS100 patch call bug?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 9, 2020
On my SDS100, the local fire department will dispatch units via a patch call to Fire Dispatch as well as the Paging talkgroup for the first due station. My issue is that sometimes the SDS100 shows the call as fire dispatch, and sometimes the department paging talkgroup. Is there a way to correct thus without avoiding the dispatch channel, I also believe that the Paging talkgroups are priority and dispatch is not... But since they are near simultaneous, I wonder if it just sees the fire dispatch first and tunes to it before it sees the patched group in the control channel.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Muskegon County Simulcast on MPSCS

Not saying it's the same, but I have a ISSI linked system and certain patches do not display in my 200, Unitrunker or DSDPlus. They do however,\ work in the latest SDRTrunk.

System Notes​

This system is a Motorola ASTRO-25 700/800 MHz Phase II TRS
Note: WACN/System ID "92493.6BD" is an ISSI Inter-WACN/Inter-System roaming agreement with the Indiana Hoosier SAFE-T system, specifically to the "St. Joseph County Simulcast" on that system. Other sites may follow in the future.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 9, 2020
I picked that up once on Unitrunker, but Im not close to a boarder, so i dont pick it up often


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
It seems it’s a case of just where the scanner happens to be when the department gets toned out. You say the scanner randomly stops on the page or dispatch. You might try adding the one you want again so it appears twice in your programming. Get your scanner to scan the one you want twice giving you a two to one advantage the scanner will stop and monitor on the wanted one.

Applying Priority DND (do not disturb) to first the wanted and second the unwanted will not work if the scanner sees the unwanted one first. But you might try it.

Why, if you are getting both but prefer one over the other, do you not want to “Avoid” one? I gather you do not carry a pager and therefore not a member of the dept, otherwise you wouldn’t try to listen to both dispatch and paging…


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
On my SDS100, the local fire department will dispatch units via a patch call to Fire Dispatch as well as the Paging talkgroup

You might try adding the one you want again so it appears twice in your programming. Get your scanner to scan the one you want twice giving you a two to one advantage the scanner will stop and monitor on the wanted one.

Applying Priority DND (do not disturb) to first the wanted and second the unwanted will not work if the scanner sees the unwanted one first. But you might try it.

The same patched announcement goes out on the Fire Dispatch TG and the Fire Pager TG at the same time on the same site you are monitoring so it doesn't matter which TG you are monitoring, you will be hearing the same thing from both TG's? And what exactly are the issue with it that you want to avoid?

Setting a prio to TG are only active when a TG are in idle state when no one are transmitting and the scanner are back at the control channel. You can't enter the same TG number twice in a system. When the scanner reads the favorite list it stores all programmed TG numbers in a sorted list and when it decodes a TG from the control channel it goes thru the list to find that TG. It depends on when the scanner decodes the control channel and when the TG appears in the data stream, if it starts to decode just when one TG have already been sent and the scanner picks up the second one, or if the patch sometimes activates the two TG's in different order.

If you have site hold On and avoid all departments and create a new one with only those two TG's do you see if it always picks one of the TG numbers first? (None of the prio functions active when testing, DND, WX)

There's really no way to force one TG to have priority over another already active one, that will take preemptive priority to be used that needs it to be programmed by the system administrator to that TG to be sent out on the voice channel, and Uniden to add that feature in the scanner firmware, that we have asked to be done in the wish list to Uniden.
