Monmouth County Law Enforcement is fully encrypted and cannot be received by any scanner. Here is a hpe favorites list file to Import into Sentinel. There are three P25 trunked systems (Ocean Co, Monmouth Co, and NJ State Police. Only the County Simulcast site will be scanning for Ocean Co when you write the file to the scanner. The Jackson Co Site is a fill-in site and can be enabled by quick key. There is a good chance the Jackson site is out of range. Only the MonmouthCo South site will be scanning. That is the one closest to you. The MonmouthCo North site will probably be out of range also. The North site can be enabled by quick key also. The NJICS Bordentown site will be scanning anytime the NJ State Police system is active. I suggest that you stay with just the 3 sites scanning. Otherwise, you will start missing transmissions. I will need to give you some instructions about using quick keys later. Save the attached zipped file to your computer and extract. Go to the Tools tab in Sentinel and set the Target Model to SDS100. Go to the File tab and Import from hpe file (Favorites List). Click on New Favorites List and name it Ocean_Monmouth Click on OK. In the Downloads folder, highlight and Open the extracted file. It will appear as a favorites list in Sentinel. Quick keys as follows:I live in toms river but would like to get ocean county and some monmouth county fd, pd
0. Ocean_Monmouth | ||
0. Ocean Co NJ Trunk | ||
1. Monmouth Co NJ Trunk | ||
2. NJ State Police | ||
0. OcnCo Services (Dept) | ||
1. OcnCo Interop (Dept) | ||
2. OcnCo Emerg Ops (Dept) | ||
3. OcnCo Fire/EMS (Dept) | ||
4. OcnCo Sheriff (Dept) | ||
5. OcnCo Police (Dept) | ||
10. Jackson Twp Site (Site) | ||
0. MonCo Services (Dept) | ||
1. MonCo Interop (Dept) | ||
2. MonCo Emerg Ops (Dept) | ||
3. MonCo Fire/EMS (Dept) | ||
10. MonmouthCo North (Site) |
I canot seem to be able to open the fileMonmouth County Law Enforcement is fully encrypted and cannot be received by any scanner. Here is a hpe favorites list file to Import into Sentinel. There are three P25 trunked systems (Ocean Co, Monmouth Co, and NJ State Police. Only the County Simulcast site will be scanning for Ocean Co when you write the file to the scanner. The Jackson Co Site is a fill-in site and can be enabled by quick key. There is a good chance the Jackson site is out of range. Only the MonmouthCo South site will be scanning. That is the one closest to you. The MonmouthCo North site will probably be out of range also. The North site can be enabled by quick key also. The NJICS Bordentown site will be scanning anytime the NJ State Police system is active. I suggest that you stay with just the 3 sites scanning. Otherwise, you will start missing transmissions. I will need to give you some instructions about using quick keys later. Save the attached zipped file to your computer and extract. Go to the Tools tab in Sentinel and set the Target Model to SDS100. Go to the File tab and Import from hpe file (Favorites List). Click on New Favorites List and name it Ocean_Monmouth Click on OK. In the Downloads folder, highlight and Open the extracted file. It will appear as a favorites list in Sentinel. Quick keys as follows:
FAVORITES LIST QUICK KEY: 0. Ocean_Monmouth SYSTEM QUICK KEYS: 0. Ocean Co NJ Trunk 1. Monmouth Co NJ Trunk 2. NJ State Police OCEAN CO DEPARTMENT/SITE QUICK KEYS: 0. OcnCo Services (Dept) 1. OcnCo Interop (Dept) 2. OcnCo Emerg Ops (Dept) 3. OcnCo Fire/EMS (Dept) 4. OcnCo Sheriff (Dept) 5. OcnCo Police (Dept) 10. Jackson Twp Site (Site) MONMOUTH CO DEPARTMENT/SITE QUICK KEYS: 0. MonCo Services (Dept) 1. MonCo Interop (Dept) 2. MonCo Emerg Ops (Dept) 3. MonCo Fire/EMS (Dept) 10. MonmouthCo North (Site)
(For fun) I downloaded this file to sentinel and transferred it to my SDS100.I canot seem to be able to open the file
The file attached is a zipped file which cannot be opened by Sentinel. Did you extract the file first? Open the extracted file. Just follow the instructions above.I canot seem to be able to open the file