SDS100 Successor?

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Mar 15, 2004
Let us all hope something like the great idea of Unification (or someone) going forward with the Optiz concept does happen. The suggestion should be heard!
Feel like there are a lot of us ready to make a big HH upgrade--but waiting for that chimera of "next newness".


Jul 21, 2013
If big U decided to come out with yet another it would most likely be; the SDS101 with twice the price tag, half the reception, 1/4 computing power, a wide horizontal battery system (for better grip!), even more off the shelf components included for that twice the price, an antenna connector straight off of scambay (again, installed horizontally for ease of use setting it down on a tabletop) and YOU as the end user have to purchase the antenna as well as the power jig/adapter separately. O, and if you want to monitor more then 1 service at a time, that's an additional (PAID) upgrade, you want monitor more then 1 system..ya that's a paid upgrade also....


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
I had no clue the VHF antenna was internal only. I (uselessly it seems) modified a vhf antenna to put on mine. But it does help explain why the pager is nearly deaf compared to a scanner monitoring vhf. Good info! Thanks.
For the VHF sites I monitor here, I had to purchase and use Unication's amplified charging base to get those VHF signals into my G5.
The VHF radio's antenna input is also available on the G5's external pins on the bottom of the unit so someone could probably find a matching socket like the charging bases contain and brew up their own external antenna connection for the secondary band. I chose to use the amplified charging base for this purpose so I could also charge my G5. That was much easier than brewing up my own base!
This worked great for my needs as my G5 is not used outside the home.
A custom made passive cradle with the VHF antenna pins connected could be used in a mobile environment. That will not help with the Primary radio though.

For the Primary band in a G5, the amplified charging base's external antenna jack also supplies its signal from an external antenna but there's some kind of switching circuit or maybe an amplifier in that charging base that needs power to work. You can't simply supply the primary radio's signal source via the pins on the bottom of the G5 like can be done for the secondary radio. Someone would need to reverse engineer the amplified charging base to figure out how it allows its BNC antenna port to work for the primary radio along with the secondary radio.
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