Buckskinner33 said:
I'll start at the press and find out how they do it...
Most likely, if they are anything like the press in my area, they have a handful of scanners of varying ages in the newscroom, but also a portable radio purchased from the agency that operates the trunk system they want to monitor (although in our case, the fire dept operates the trunk system, while the media's radios are from the police). These radios are programmed to be receive-only and with only a handful of channels/talkgroups compared to "normal" operating radios on the system. Here in Calgary, radios issued to fire crews will have the main dispatch channels C13/C14/C15/C16, EMS dispatch A1, their talkaround channels A2-A5 and B1, and Fire's tactical channels C1 thru C12, etc etc etc. The media gets, out of that bunch, C13/C14/C15/C16 and A1. No talkaround channels (where "sensitive" patient info, etc., is discussed) and no tac channels. The police configuration is similar - instead of all the side channels, Records channels, Traffic/Drug/SWAT team ops, etc., the media only gets to hear the seven main Dispatch channels.
Also, of course, the person in charge of the radio system has the ability to go into the zone controller and 'idle' that radio if it's being misused - basically turning it into a useless paperweight - so the media tend to co-operate for the most part.