While *I* tend to agree somewhat with those suggesting the PRO-97 I am taking a longer view. The PSR-500 does everything that the PRO-97 does *and* gives you the ability to be able to handle the newer modes when you eventually, and you *will*, run into them. Sure, you can `save' a bit right now but, then maybe not all that much further along, you may find yourself having to go and `upgrade' because there has been an `upgrade' in the equipment of the very group you are interested in *or* you end up expanding your interest to some other facet of your current facination.
I have several PRO-2055/97s along with several PRO-2096/96s as part of my `collection' of radios. I also have several other older radios because I have gone through the `stages' of the `tech-no-golly' as they came along. Looking back I can see where, if I were starting out right now, that `progression' has actually cost me more than it would if I'd been able to start out with something like a PSR-500 and *then* later on had added other radios as I discovered other facets I discovered rather than the reverse. If I'd been able to have gotten something like a PSR-500 to begin with there would be *a lot fewer* radios residing in "The Bide-A-Wee home for Orphaned and Superannuated Radios" than now and I would have also been probably a tad bit less `broke' than I am now.
I *know* it sounds a bit counter-intuitive to spend $500 VS, lessay, $200 for a first radio. However... Lessay you *do* go with one over the other and then you decide that you are through with it and you are going to get rid of it. The $200 radio, for various reasons not the least being that it is an older design and tech-no-golly has right from the time you walked out the door of the shop fallen in `value' from $200 to $100 or possibly less. (It depends upon how well you've cared for it among things. The $500 radio, OTOH, has, all things considered including that 50% out the door drop, gone down to being only worth $250 but, if given it's current `upgrade-ability', may actually fly against that 50% drop by being in more demand *because* of it's `added' abilities it came with. (One *has* to remember that the 50% `value' drop is *only* a `rule of thumb' and can vary as much as 75% to as little as 25% depending upon `demand' and other market `conditions'. [I can go through assorted `BlueBooks' I have access to for `The Consumer Electronics' field and find percentages even `wilder' than what I've already mentioned. I've dealt with some pieces of equipment that have both `BlueBook' values and have sold for as much as 200%, or more, of their initial value and other pieces, even though they may offer newer `tech-no-golly' and other things, that one has to almost give away to get rid of them. This even though both extremes do exactly what they are supposed to do and do it well / right.
On top of all that I am somewhat betting that after you have had the time to familarize yourself with the radio and have `played around' with it a bit you will discovered other uses for it beyond just `chasing' one thing. For example: You probably aren't going to be spending *all* of your time time up in the YNP/GTNP/Jackson Hole area. You are going to be probably roaming around Wyoming, Idaho, Montanna, too. Whilst not every place in those places are going to be using `bleeding edge Tech-no-golly' now or right away it *is* on the foreseeable horizon. At the least simplex P25 if not eventually some sort of trunked P25. A PRO-2055/97 won't have the ability to handle either one. (A PRO-2096/96 will handle most of what a PSR-500/600 series radios will but there are some somewhat serious problems with the PRO-2096/96 series that the PSR-500/600 series radios have addressed and makes them a bit more desirable. [Having said that *I* am not about to just go and `stuff' my PRO-2096/96s away in "The Bide-A-Wee Home". But, then too, neither am *I* going to be `investing' in any more of them. I will continue to use them similarly to the way I use my PRO-2055/97s or my PRO-200xs for `niche' uses.])
Anyway... To `summarize'... *My* `suggestion' to go with a PSR-500/600 series radio is based upon a base of less `obsolecence' down the road whether or not you stay with scanning. In a *very* `simplistic' way it is somewhat akin to going out and buying a set of `inch' wrenches for X$ instead of an `Inch' / `Metric" set for X+½X$ more and then discovering that you need the `Metric' wrenches, too, and you now have to spend another X$ more instead of only X+½X$ that you would have spend if you had gotten the combined set. You didn't need those other wrenches for the first job but then another `job' came along and now you need them.
Oh, well... Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth but, still, something to think about. {WAN GRIN!}