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Setting up to pager different depts on different zones. Help

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Feb 13, 2016
So my county just started using tone paging with our P25 phase 2 system. I work/ volunteer at 2 different depts. Each FD has its own file/ setup and ems has one, plus ems and fire have different dispatch TG/ Channels . If anyone came help I want to make 2 different set/ zones . So put on one for my volunteer dept when home and one for my work dept when working and not have to alert when not at one or the other and not have 2 pagers. Any help would be appreciated. And I can send files if someone can help. Just afraid to do more than just basic programming and this above my head.


Feb 13, 2016
So my county just started using tone paging with our P25 phase 2 system. I work/ volunteer at 2 different depts. Each FD has its own file/ setup and ems has one, plus ems and fire have different dispatch TG/ Channels . If anyone came help I want to make 2 different set/ zones . So put on one for my volunteer dept when home and one for my work dept when working and not have to alert when not at one or the other and not have 2 pagers. Any help would be appreciated. And I can send files if someone can help. Just afraid to do more than just basic programming and this above my head.

What are the systems?
Its the York county system.


Feb 13, 2016
Its the York county system.

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31 minutes ago
I can email files. I want 77 first and 54s next

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[IMG alt="jtwalker"]https://forums.radioreference.com/data/avatars/m/652/652253.jpg?1589396306[/IMG]



21 minutes ago
You have to explain a little better what you want. You can send me any files here as attachments on this message.

I asked which system(s) to see if I was familiar. I have York Co in my G5, and my scanners, so I am familiar.

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[IMG alt="jtwalker"]https://forums.radioreference.com/data/avatars/m/652/652253.jpg?1589396306[/IMG]



16 minutes ago
Oh, York just went to P25 paging right? I’m not familiar with how this works which is probably what you want isn’t it?

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12 minutes ago
So the way it is set up now one pager I have South Fire dispatch with just one station on it. On the other pager I has the other station (ems) on it for work. I also have work station fire tones but they're not programmed to either pager. What I want to be able to do is program both pagers (only carry one) when I have it on the south Zone, position 1 would be 77 alerting. Then make position 2 Eureka EMS alerting. And possibly put the fire tones with the EMS alerting. What I want to eventually or what I want to be able to do is like when I'm home have it on position one and only for Alliance 77. And then when I go to work switch it over to position two and have it alert for Stewartstown 54. That way I don't have to keep switching back forth between 2 pagers. Or if I have to make different zones one zone for Alliance and one zone for Stewartstown EMS one for Stewartstown fire. So if I had to I just have to switch the zones. But I want to keep the channel setup pretty much the same as they are now. I tried to attach the files here but it wouldn't let me I think I'm going to have to email them


Premium Subscriber
Jan 17, 2008
New Hartford, Ct
So you're looking to have two different channels for alerting two different departments but on the same system just different talkgroups?
Essentially both channels should be set up the same way in pps, just with a different talkgroup on each one, with the respective subgroup set on it as well.
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