Bearcom came out on Monday to help us install a receiver setup in one of our troubled coverage areas. We set the repeaters up for digital voting and it works like an absolute charm! We are now able to talk in from areas on the mountain that we have never been able to before.
The guy from Bearcom got us set up with a copy of GenFit TRBO which is one of the greatest tools I have ever used. Being able to monitor what transmissions are going where is a great feature that we never had before. We did in fact confirm that there is RF interference on our third repeater which seems to only be intermittent. We temporarily fixed this issue by turning the sensitivity RSSI down slightly.
The new Telewave ANT-450D that I ordered came in yesterday, and I am going to put it up this weekend. I am hoping that it will fix the remainder of our coverage issues on the hill.
In terms of the inconsistency with the abilityy to key up, we have 100% confirmed through testing that it is caused by data packet collision. To ease this effect, I set our GPS capable radios to only send location data once every 2 minutes which should be fine for now. That setting has definitely reduced the amount of data that is being sent between the subscribers and the repeaters. I also changed location data to be unconfirmed in order to eliminate the handshake between the radio and the repeater (not sure if this is feasible or not).
We still have a lot of data being sent over the air, and I really think it would be best to set our third repeater to Data Revert on both slots with Enhanced Channel Access for GPS data to reduce collisions. Do y'all think that will be worth my time to do? If so, what are the proper steps to set this up? If possible, I want to get all of the subscribers programmed correctly on the first try...
Thank you to all of you for the help up to this point!