Bamx, Thanks but the infomation I have posted is Correct. When we are under a Tornado Watch along with a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Marion County the sirens DO go off. Please feel free to listen to MECA and any of the IMPD MET Dist Talkgroups where you will hear Meca control Operators making this statement that I heard last night. The same thing happens everytime we have Severe Weather in Marion County. If you will listen to the 146.760 Marion County Servere Weather Net BOB,Net Control puts out the Following"The reason why the sirens are going off is becuase of EMA" We are under a Tornado Watch and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Marion County"Bob gets his infomation from EMA and that is what a Contact with Marion County EMA told him!!!!! That is their written policy.Yes the sirens went off for a reason.(3) Times after Midnight on Monday 2-28-2011 02:30 AM on 2-28-2011.I live down the street from (3) Marion County Sirens and they all went off at the smae time. My Siren is located at 7500 North Michigan Road. **This protocall has been in place now for 2-3 Years now**
You just repeated what I said. They set them off for a Severe Thunderstorm Warning under a Tornado Watch.
They do not set them off for a Tornado Watch when no warnings are in effect.