Hi ,
i am please and proud to annonce you that the new version of the shackbox live cd for radio operator is just released.
First live cd mastering windows and linux software,this version might be the most complete free of charge live cd for ham radio or scanner user.
So you are all welcome to give it a try, it contain many many many softwares, actually almost everything you need!
Download the iso ,burn it and boot on it.
username herve
password: shackbox
root password : shackbox
Here is the download link
download shackbox radio amateur hamradio linux ressource community current version | Shackbox | download shackbox radio amateur hamradio linux ressource community current version | Shackbox
New Version | Shackbox | New Version | Shackbox
I look forward to have your comments.
Hoping it ll help or please some of you
best regards