Shasta Trinity NF freqs

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005

There are channel plans for 2 banks of Shasta Trinity Natl Forest radios here.

I see that Trinity River Unit shows as Tone 7 which is not listed in the database at this time.

Can anyone confirm that 172.275 Trinity River Unit channel is for mobiles only? Is it the preferred fire scene channel for that area? Or would some of the other simplex channels be the primary fire scene channels?

I see that both Shasta Trinity NF and Klamath NF are unique in that they have individual dedicated channels for each Ranger District (or sub area). The 2010 Klamath NF Radio Handbook says that each ranger district has their own repeater, and that it is the primary fire channel for the district. Shasta Trinity NF might follow the same scheme. Maybe not.
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Feb 24, 2001
The Klamath and Shasta-T use their district nets differently. The Shasta-T uses the district nets for admin. They have on remote base per district, with units communicating on simplex. I don't have my information where I'm staying, but I remember that without a tone the remote bases won't pass along traffic to the Ranger District and other facilities such as fire stations.

Originally the Klamath had two fire nets, Orange and Black. The forest was divided into two portions depending on location. That is why the names are colors. As each district obtained their own net better names were given them. The "Sage" net is used on the Goosenest Ranger District where it is drier. Thus the name sage was given it as more of it grows there than the other districts.

I always thought that one of the color nets should be renamed the "Happy" net. I've been in Happy Camp on fires twice and I was not happy to be there. The level of contention between the local population and the Forest Service is pretty high, so it is hard to fill positions there, at least that was the case before I retired. So you could say things are not happy there.
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