that's the biggest reason, but I heard that SW radio was at its peak mid-late 80's serving the purpose of Cold War propaganda. after the USSR fell it took the air out of that. except Radio Cuba. they aren't ever going to quit whining about being oppressed by capitalist pigs.
yes, shortwave listening is a great hobby but it's a little one-sided. if they speak English, they're telling you about Jesus. if they speak Spanish, they're covering a baseball game. unless it's Radio Marti, I don't know what they are talking about but it sounds exciting 24 hours a day. you get the occasional Iraqian or African stations which are a challenge to pick up. or you can listen to the Slavic stations around 10-12 MHz in the morning and LARP like you're in 1960's Czechoslovakia.
there used to be a lot more worth listening to. Radio Netherlands, Radio Japan, BBC, etc. nowadays you spend hours mindlessly scanning for a station whose language you speak and has something interesting to say. might happen once a week. makes it all the better when you spend a few $100 on multiple radios and weeks of your time learning how to work the thing and setting up antennas.
I heard the latest fad is connecting an SDR to your computer and conecting that to the internet so someone else can listen to it.