>> The only thing that makes sense is the city of St. Mary's in Camden County, Georgia. They have the same repeater input and output as Chilton but a different PL.
An agency only needs to match another agency's repeater input frequency and tone OR output frequency and tone to be rebroadcast through that agency's repeater ... not both.
But Camden County is pretty consistent about its use of tones, so the PL tone on the input ( 150.805 MHz ) is likely 118.8 Hz, rather than Chilton County's 141.3 Hz.
>> It was in Georgia for sure since they were using EST time.
Fla., SC, NC, eastern Tn, etc. are also on EST. My point is that you're limiting your presumed range during tropo conditions, and you shouldn't ... particularly if you have the ability to easily read and filter both PL and DPL tones.
My single-story home is about 200 feet agl in a semi-rural area just south of Charlotte, NC. I use a discone on a mast that positions the antenna just above the roof line.
On occasion, my range during tropo conditions will extend from central Va, down to the northern Florida counties. To the west and east, I have the natural barriers of the Appalachians and the Atlantic Ocean. I try to increase my chances of some good logs by checking the VHF and UHF public safety bands around sunrise, and when weather frontal boundaries move through the area.
Regarding your reception on 154.340, Polk County, Ga does not provide emergency services to the I-20 corridor, as Haralson and Paulding Counties are between Polk Co and the interstate.
Covington, Ga ( Newton Co ) IS along I-20, just east of Atlanta. Their fire dept was using 154.340 for dispatch prior to employing 800 trunking. Like many agencies, they may still be using the VHF channel for dispatching, as well as simulcasting a fire dispatch talkgroup over the conventional channel.
The RR database did not indicate what PL tone Prattville FD is using on 154.340 MHz. If the tone is 100.0 - as a couple of other Prattville FD channels are listed - then you might occasionally hear Troup Co, Ga Fire. Troup Co FD dispatch was being done on 154.340 / 100.0 prior to their move to 800, and - like Covington - may still be in use.
Troup Co is on the Ga / Al border along I-85.