Got a SDS200 and using Sentinel to program a fav list of just my immediate fire/police agencies. Specifically Ohio, Montgomery County and I want Centerville Police and Washington Township fire, that's it. They are on a statewide P25 system. I drill down through the county list in Sentinel and select just the Washington Township Fire and append to my FL. When I open this FL with the editor, Wash Township is there but so is every other county in Ohio. And each one of those counties has a list of freqs associated with it. So when I write this FL to the scanner and start scanning, I can see that the scanner is stepping through every county in the list. If I edit the FL and remove every county except the local police and fire that I'm interested in, and write it to the scanner, the scanner says Nothing To Scan. I know about making sure that the proper services are selected, that's not the problem. And yes, download and monitor are turned on. It seems as if because it is a statewide system you can't carve out just a couple agencies and discard all the other counties? I don't get it. My work around has been to use my zip location, set my range to zero and then scan and permanently avoid all the surrounding agencies that I don't want to monitor. I feel like I'm missing the obvious but I'm stumped. Any insight would be appreciated.