I have had no problem with mine. I do NOT find it hard to program. The software makes it a breeze to program. Like everything else, there are going to be some units or software packages with issues. Overall, the radio looks and performs very well. I have owned the FT 60. I can't knock it's performance. However, the radio is showing its age. It is outdated for anything other than 2meter/440 work. The Wouxon covers the ham bands as well as the public safety bands as it is a "commercial" radio as I mentioned in my earlier post. The FT60 does not have proper narrowband steps for tunning outside of the Ham bands. I like the ability to do Ham as well as monitor public safety all in the same radio. The FT60 display is a dull orange compared to the bright white on the Wouxon which also lights up the keys very very well I might add. The other thing to keep in mind is other costs. When you buy an FT60, you get the radio , battery and a plug in charger. The software and cable package is extra, nearly $38 more. That will bring the cost to almost $200. Want a drop in charger? Try shelling out another $65. That's over $250. For the same $159.99 that it costs to buy the FT60 alone, you get EVERYTHING with the Wouxon. Radio,1700maH Li-ion battery, drop-in fast charger, software for programming and cable. Nothing else to buy! The profit that the "big 3" are making and have been making for years is outrageous when you compare dollars and cents. As long as there is a resonable competitor like Wouxon, that is where my hard earned money is going to be spent.