Somerset County's new P25 system looks to be adding two new tower sites to their original 2 site EDACS system. It also appears that they will be moving frequencies into the NPSPAC public safety only band (851-854.) The two new sites are in Crisfield (new county tower) and Fruitland (existing state tower.) It's unclear if they will retain any of their old freqs once they transition: the two new sites have only the new freqs, and the two existing sites have the new freqs added. If they do not retain any of the old freqs, they still gain 2 talkpaths over the old system (old system 5 freqs: 1 cch, 4 TPs; new system 4 freqs: 1 cch 6 TPs.) They are also constructing a new MW backhaul that links the four tower sites and the main and backup dispatch sites.