Does anyone have or is able to obtain this? I have tried many times to get it with no luck. I think they may have multiple freqs as well. Security, groundskeeping ect
Does anyone have or is able to obtain this? I have tried many times to get it with no luck. I think they may have multiple freqs as well. Security, groundskeeping ect
155.820000 Sounds like security. They run the plates, permits, do welfare checks, and manage parking. They also sound rather professional using full phonetics, as well as unit numbers.
Do they have much traffic for a 6-person department?
I don't think so, but I suspect parking is their forte. They had a jeep cherokee and some other smaller suv with push bars and light bars and a star on the door for effect driving around. I think they use the Sam monikers just like the malls! I liked the CC I went to that had no security presence and no problems.
Speaking of which, there is a med. security prison in the Wilsonville area of Portland that patrols around and a round and around the inside perimeter with a Prius and a large spotlight on the roof.