That is a beautiful decode, well done! I see from your location that you are in the desert, I assume that means very few if any obstructions and a broad view of the sky. If I may ask, what antenna are you using?
Sorry for the delayed response, I was on travel a few days and just looked at the forums for the first time since then.
Yes on desert, and yes on broad skys. Natural topography results in the average natural obstruction most of the way around me being a few degrees tall. But, there are taller mountain peaks in a few directions around me (actually, all the way around me, to some extent). The closest is 7k feet higher than my location, and 6 or 7 miles away, so maybe ~13 degrees in that specific direction. So that is my worst natural limitation, and the majority of the way around the compass my natural limitation is 5 deg or less.
However, because of where my pedestal is I do have some other, man made (or at least, man caused), obstructions. The 7 foot tall tower section I use for an ISS / other LEO sat tracking antenna support does not see well over the top of the house, two of my garages, or a couple of trees. So it depends on the direction, in most areas I can see right down to the natural horizon, but a few other areas I cannot see that low. In these other areas I might have obstructions up to 20 deg above the horizon, and in one specific direction I have a couple 30 foot trees I have to see through.
For the most part though, I can see the ISS or any other orbital target pretty quickly after the software says that object is over my natural horizon, but there are a few less good angles.
The antenna used for that reception was an M Squared 2MCP8A. This is a 2 meter, 4 element, circular polarized, Yagi made for LEO sat operation. In this case it is part of a 2M / 70 cm pair (the 70 cm antenna is the 436CP16, 8 element, circ pol Yagi) of antennas marketed by M Squared as the "LEO Pack". That pair of antennas, along with a dual pol LOG-PER covering 100 MHz - 1300 MHz, and (sometimes) a 3 foot dish with various feeds, are mounted on top of a 7 foot section of tower. They all track the target of interest via a modified Yaesu G5500 EL over AZ rotator.