The most common problem with this is that the area near the capacitor next to that LO injection pot - the only pot in the entire radio - leaked and destroyed the traces near the 82K (823) resistor nearest the pot.
Measure the side of that pot nearest the edge of the PCB. It should be somewhere near 8VDC. Also, measure that "through hole" near the pot - you should be able to adjust the pot to about 3.5 VDC.
If not, suspect the traces nearest the pot, and rebuild those. The components that supply the 8VDC are on the opposite side of the board, and you may need to check the traces between these, and rebuild, if necessary.
If you have 8V at the 82K resistor, but you cannot adjust the LO voltage at the point mentioned above, then suspect open traces between the 82K resistor and the potentiometer.
Also, check the integrity of the trace leading from the tiny transistor that goes between the nearby electrolytic capacitor, to a chip capacitor to the synthesizer chip. That opens ALL the time and will cause similar problems.
These particular failures will not give you the common "Fail 001" code. You will just stop receiving.
And, as a previous poster noted, you must replace ALL of the electrolytic capacitors, since they not only leak, but their leakage will eat away at traces within the radio over time.