Spokane: Couple of Questions

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Apr 22, 2001
#1. 156.225 R (103.5) is listed as County Roads F2 in the DB. I have verified F1,F3,F4 as active and good. I have never heard any substantial voice traffic on 156.225. The repeater get tickled once in awhile and the the hang time has a tone of 103.5 but never nay voice.

Have heard voice two times in the past year on or so both a have been quick generic converations and could not rule Roads as the user of this channel in or out.

Does anyone have any independent knowledge of this channel?
#2. 155.7600 (103.5) R 155.935 WZY319: is also a bit of a mystery, minimal traffic on the repeater, control point Google maps back to the Gieger Corrections Complex. the Airport.

References to being 'back on Campus from Sacred Heart' heard. Wondering if the Orange Vest Work Crews akways picking up litter are on this channel also. Anyone?

Best, Mike


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Spokane channels

I have confirmed that 156.2250 is the Roads supervisors channel
not sure why they do not use it more.
Seems like most of the units stay on one or on the north part of
the county are on 4 which is designated on thier radios as North Simplex.
They have channel 1&2 of the sheriffs patrol band in their radios as well
and that is it.

As for the 155.76 repeater I still cannot figure out what department is serves
I was thinking the airport if not Geiger DOC I will ask a radio tech at the county
radio shop I know what it is and get back to you.


Do you have a ham licence???
If so what rptr do you usually hang out on?


Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
Mike.... I don't know if that is just a typo or not, but if you are using 155.935 for the County Roads, that is not the correct frequency. It is 155.925 (R). I haven't listened to it for several years, since I'm on the "wet" side, but, during times of snow, it can be fairly busy!

As for 155.760, if I remember correctly, that is either, if not both, Eastern State Hospital or Pine Lodge Correctional; both facilities near Medical Lake.



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Hi Chuck
You are correct it is 155.925 is the main channel.
As for 155.7600 is now a repeater with 153.935 as the input with a 210hz
tone the wierd thing is it uses the same input frequency that the
sheriff ch 5 phone patch uses.
The Ch 5 phone patch is now set up to act as a normal repeater with a patch rather than
a access code toggled repeater on or off.



Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...

So what did they do with the 154.800 frequency that was the output for the phone patch (Ch-5)?

I noticed sometime back that the RR database lists 153.815 as Ch-8 and based on the info I'm seeing, it appears it is repeated!? Have you heard anything on that channel? Once upon a time long ago, 153.815 was Ch-4 (Tac 1) and Ch-8 was 158.910 (R) until Grant County revamped their radio system and started using that frequency as a primary dispatch complete with identical PL tone.



Apr 22, 2001
Thanks for the reply.

154.8000 was active in july- heard PP traffic on it then- otherwise pretty quiet- have not heard it used as a repeater just a phone patch. 153.8150 R(156.7) was used for the 'big' 'gang sweeps' of 2007 with 'zebra' units holding court. Unk input here not licensed either that I can discern.

Yes sir, 155.9250 is the roads primary, very active. that 156.225 just sits there and idles, very sparse traffic on it. The 151.100 based on radio traffic seems to be County Roads Spokane Valley (contract service) and Otis Orchards etc. Everything else, North and South is on 155.925

155.7600 (203.5) R 153.9350 (203.5) is licensed to Spokane County with a control point (according to google maps) in the main building of Geiger Corrections. Very little traffic here and have never heard and simplex on it near Geiger (or anywhere else including Pine Lodge. I have a license for Pine Lodge on 800 but have not ben able to chase it down yet. Perhaps in the spring.

As for Pine Lodge, I have heard some very broken traffic on 155.055 and 155.100 which is licensed here. Another one for the spring.

Eastern State Hospital operations seem to be on UHF and I've not located any active VHF for the Hospital. The is a VHF Channel listed below but I am told it was used for the now closed juvenile detention center on the hospital grounds. I have never heard a stitch of traffic on it...heres what i have been able to piece together for Eastern State Hospital:

Department of Social and Health Services :
453.7250 (97.4) R f-1 Eastern State Hospital- Medical Lake KNNN241
453.81250 s (?)S f-2Ward Usage- Unknown KNNN241
453.91250 s (?)S f-3 Ward Usage- Unknown KNNN241
463.7250 (?) R WNBC407
461.6000 (97.4) R Consolidated Support Services WNFA265
464.5750 ( ) S " " " WNFA265
464.8250 (D343) R 'Lakeland Village' Rehab? WNMA905
462.1000 ( ) S Juvenile Court Related? WPPX779
453.9375 ( ) R WPVP286
453.9625 ( ) R WPVP286
453.9875 ( ) R WPVP286
158.86500 S ( ) (Old juv Fac?closed) Lakeland Village/Salnave R KD21124
*Parens w/o tone = lic but not heard ? in parens= traffic heard no tone captured.

In closing, it has been good listening here due to all the snow.

The snow has revealed some new capabilities such as State Parks, State Wildlife, and Liberal Lake PD on the WSP primary working crashes for WSP.

As one trooper said on the air " I was out of the car high centered, been trying to push may car off the ice..underway soon I hope....did i miss anything?
Why yes, the S/O needs you at a crash at x&Y...
Ok ill be enroute... Oh yeah, you sent me here on the blocking, car into a rock wall. well its is only blocking the rock wall from collapsing under the snow load and hes not blocking the plows so thats a good thing I guess".
The dispatcher then the canceled the troop advising that the S/O would handle after all.
The reply- "Uh oh, that means its only going to get worse". That was about a week ago and so far it has been a truly prophetic comment- it has only gotten worse. Things have not been pretty in Spovegas/Spocompton/Snohell. Not *****ing, warm fire and and internet connection- no worries.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Well overnight I got hit with about 6 more inches of the cascade cement variety snow
that is tourcher on a persons back trying to shovel.

The 154.800 is still the output of the CH 5 phone patch.
It use to be that the officer would key up and enter the access code and that would
turn the repeater on and turn the phone link on then they could dial out and when they
disconnected with the dtmf it would signal the repeater to turn off.
So now the repeater is on all the time the officer just uses dtmf to turn the phone link on
and normal tactical repeater operations car to car and such can be used.
Basicly if you keed up on the input with the correct tone the repeater back then would not
key up unless you entered the correct dtmf access code.
Now the RPTR comes up with out the dtmf access code but still need the dtmf code to activate the autopatch when keyed up with correct PL.
Hope that makes sence.

Don't know if you got it but I sent you a document to your gmail account.

I would like to know who Consolidated Support Services is, are they a civilian

159.0000 is used heavy on the north side fo the county for Unit to Unit with the road crews.

I wish I could have caught the action on the gang round up but I was detained with my girlfriend
and she is not partial to my radio addiction.

Last night I caught the fallowing in search with a PRO 92 connected to a 2m/440 base antenna

451.4000R D306 Talking about a PA test and the Mall (spokane valley mall?)
460.6500R D371 Airport?
153.7850S 118.8 If I remember correctly this is an input to the stevens county fire repeater
451.0875R 203.5 I believe this is the Inland Power and Light repeater. Seems to be suffering a controller error or site interference.
156.1650R 127.3 user id's channel as 6
158.3400R D446 Snow Groomers
151.9850R CSQ Guys talking about which Catapiller equipment was already warmed up.
151.9550S D465 Guys talking about how to find out wich person is the DUI buy who answers up to having the keys for a roos about costing more to have the vehicle slim jimed rather than just using the keys. then went on to talk about what to eat and then whare to park the patrol car and a mention of st maries which is in north Idaho.
464.0250R D244 Ski resort snow plows?



Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
Steve.... 155.055 is also licensed to the City of Medical Lake. Once upon a time, it was the primary frequency for the PD. When I lived in Four Lakes, I would hear them on there from time to time using if for car to car and talking to Pine Lodge. They also have, or had, a voice inversion scrambler on that frequency too.

When SCSO first revamped their radio system and added the channel for phone patch, you used to be able to hear both sides of the conversation on the repeater output (154.800). That went on for quite awhile before they finally made it where, when the deputy using the system keyed his mic, it would start that busy signal sound. After they changed it, I used to put the input and output in my scanner with Priority on the input. When they would use it, you could usually hear both sides of the conversation.

Mike.... In one of your posts, you state that you have heard traffic on 155.760 with someone stating that they were "back on campus from Sacred Heart". That would probably be Eastern State Hospital after picking up a patient. Sacred Heart has the Psychiatric ward on the 8th floor (8 North).

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Wow that deffinatly goes back aways, I got into the hobby around 97-98.
I will have to sit on the 155.055 and see if I can hear it from Deer Park.



Apr 22, 2001
Mike.... In one of your posts, you state that you have heard traffic on 155.760 with someone stating that they were "back on campus from Sacred Heart". That would probably be Eastern State Hospital after picking up a patient. Sacred Heart has the Psychiatric ward on the 8th floor (8 North).

Chuck thanks for the info, I will follow-up and report results. Candidly, I am abit at odds with this as the license data does not seem to jibe with it being ESH but stranger things have happened. Thanks for the lead.

Steve, The greatest part of the great gang round-up of 2007 was the US Marshals Service in Seattle issuing a press release greatly inflating the type, severity and origin of the arrests made.The press tried to confirm the numbers and even their most creative math could not make the numbers work. Even Sheriff Ozzie issued a 'where did those numbers come from?' press release. Gotta love it when a creative PIO gets caught.Very typical of these Operations where the feds pay for the locals to play and then try to claim all the arrests as their own.

As for Consolidated Support Services, my best guess is that the state may contract out the non-key positions to a single vendor who administers those positions thru a government owned, company operated entity in this case Consolidated Support Services. It would be my theory that CSS would provide laundry, canteen and maintianence services. When there were other activites there, perhpas everone of them was able to avail themselves of CSS services.

Perhaps it is not a vendor at all but a bookkeeping thing where the physical plant and the psychiatric melange are funded seperately. When I lkast researched it, the CSS folks had a .com email addresses and the loony bin folks had .gov email accounts. Probably just creative state union busting at work either way.

I hear alot of traffic on 453.7500, it is thier security primary with control-1 talking to security-1 thru security-6 both on the grounds and in the buidlings. listen with the tone on or you will also hear Silver Mountain Lift operations on the same channel.

Some on your list I have monitored, researched and list as confirmed.
Southwest Airlines 460.6500 (D371)R WPFE327
Spokane Valley Mall 451.4000 (D306) R Maintenance 'f-3?' WPMY863
Shoshone County Sheriff 156.1650 R (127.3) WXR383
Sacred Heard Medical Center 464.0250 (D244) R KNNN89
151.9550 wpkh910 Never heard this one but have it listed, Nice find-you mave have found a EWUPD Tac?
158.3400 may be the input to:
49 Degrees North Ski Resort 151.6700 R(D466) KVC732



Oct 15, 2006
Spokane, Wa
I have not played "scan the bands" in a long time. My notes for 155.760 210.7hz Just say Geiger Corrections-"Enroute with one female to PD". So I'm not much help there.

Back in the day I had a "friend" that worked for Medical Lake PD. They used their own freq. during the day hours and at night would be dispatched by Spokane County (800 units I belive). Not sure if they do the same thing as I've only been back in Spokane for the last two years and have spent it finishing up a degree.

I'm up in the five mile area and can confim chit chat on the 159.0000 for the plows up here. As far as the "big roundup" I was too busy so did not have a chance to listen, but as far as what commstar said about the federal side of it, they do have some pretty interesing coms from time to time.

I think I'll fire up the ole scanner and let it grab some freqs/recordings this week and see what turns up.


Apr 22, 2001
Just sitting here looking for some monday morning snow day activity and it seems to be getting an STA talkgroup simulcast on 764.612500/794.615625 !? does not appear to be an image- seems to be patched audio- not decoding a talkgroup and is analog. Coaches talking about Bernard etc. have not chased down which TG it crosses to yet......anybody know what the deal is with this?

According to me research MLPD are 86x series units, dont know about the dispatch arrangements/hours but dont hear them much during the day now that you mention it.

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
I am wondering if STA is going to reband now.
So far I have not had any problems fallowing them
on the moto mtx820 so I am assuming they have not.

I wonder if the 700 frequency could be part of the
new City County system that the powers want to put in.

My power went off about 1130 and came back on around 1400
and I have another foot of snow today :)

Speaking of Power I have found the tone 82.5 for the 43.4000 repeater
that is located in lincoln county for Inland Power and Light which
provides my electricity.

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Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
Mike et al...

That is interesting about the 700 mhz stuff with STA! I've brought it up before about the SO and PD having an additional antenna on their vehicles that appears to be a center fed 700/800 mhz antenna besides the one they already have for their MDC's! I know a 700 mhz system has been discussed and the prior speculation was that they were going to piggyback off of the Idaho system. Keep us apprised of what else you hear on their!!!

MLPD uses the 82x numbers...Like 820 thru 825. They used to be 820, 821 and 822 but I believe they go higher now. AHPD used to be at the top end of the sequence like 827, 828 and 829, but I think they moved further up the number chain and, I may be wrong on this, are now up in the 840's. They would be the ones making all the traffic stops up and down Highway 2. MLPD likes to work Lefevbre (they pronounce it La Fay) and Lake St.

The more I think about it, 155.760 is Geiger Corrections and not ESH, as that is a County run/maintained facility. I believe they get the people from the City/County Jail who are sentenced to "jail time" for periods longer than 30 days or so and in cases of extreme over crowding, get the overflow.

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Apr 22, 2001
Cold weather seems to be causing some connectivity issues. Excuse the double post.
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Apr 22, 2001
As for Identifiers here is what I have garnered from monitoring (does it correlate to your information?):

Law on SSO F2 D88x Series units
MLPD Law on SSO F2 D870 Series units
SPIAPD Law on 154.8750 R (103.5) D860 Series Units
AHPD Law on SO F2 D840-series units
Deer Park on Law on SO F2 D82x?* Unit *Not well vetted

All of the 'contract cities' have D8xxx numbers but they are rarely used now. DP is an exception- there is a lone investigator assigned there (Scope station) who uses the D820? from time to time.Deer Park has one, Millwood Has one-just not used on the air. I have seen a map but cannot recall who is what.

My understanding of the history is that the D8xx's were used at one time to track how much time a unit spent in a contract city (to fulfill the terms of a contract. With time those terms time-in-district requirements have been dropped.

Spokane PD
Radio Identifiers: Example 'A221' Adam- District, first number= shift (1thru4), Last two District senority so A221 would be dayshift, adam district, first car working
Four district.
A-dam '20's Northwest- northof River West of Division, 'Shadle'
B aker- '30'sNortheast- north of river East of Division, 'Hillayrd'
C harlie- '40's South Hill/S of 90,
D avid- 'The Hills/Downtown- '60's South of river north of 90 'Downtown'
Lincoln are supervisors Sergeants and above, 50 series unit may be Corporals/CST/FTO?.

Spokane S/O
Two Twelve-Hour Shifts
x= Adam/Day shift, Baker/Nights
x5xx = Primary car in district
x6xx = Second Car in a District
x501-507 = SVPD Contract F-1 'Valley'
x508-515 = Sheriff Patrol F-2 'North'
L= Sergeant or Corporals (unable to determine sequence
L552 is Sergeant
P = Investigators and Commercial/truck Enforcement
P522 commercial enf
P600 Unk investigator
P700 Unk Investigator
R= Reserves
V= Scope volunteers



Oct 15, 2006
Spokane, Wa
It's been almost 20 years since I worked for Spokane PD, but I'll compile a list of unit designators. I do know that money was granted by the feds for a new radio system (yes, the 700mhz one) but it is not enough to "start" the process. That is why we keep having the radio stuff put in votes but it keeps getting turned down. Spokane PD is going to their neighborhood patrol plan on the northside sometime during january (last I heard) which might change some of the designators. I'll have a chat (when I can) with some friends that still work for Spokane and see what they'll tell me. Here is what I remember off the top of my head:

A-dam Northwest Patrol. North of Mission/West of Division. (the river use to divide north/south when I worked there, but sometime later they switched it to mission.)
B-aker Northeast Patrol. North of Mission/East of Division.
C-harlie Southhill Patrol.
D-avid Downtown Patrol.

(Units can basically go anywhere to ensure coverage for calls. Adam and baker tend to stay on the north but will go south, south will go north if needed etc..)

Car-50 Detox unit. Fire unit that transports to detox.
Gang Gang-10, etc... Part of the reginal Gang Task force.
I-da Detectives.
J-ohn Correctin and code enforcement officers. (Correction officers partner with the COPS shops and neighborhood resource officers.)
L-incoln SGT and above units. (Lts, cpts and majors can be heard using this callsign. Not sure if the chief does or not. Back in my day the chief had his own although he never used the radio).
N-ora Neighborhood Resource Officers
P-aul Corporals (Used for photos and fingerprints. They also drive the grey cars without shields.)
R-obert School Resource officers. Will be called District 81 units sometimes on the air.
Tac Tac units. (Not swat, although tac officers may be part of swat)
V-ictor Senior volunteers and co-op students.
Tow Tow-10, Tow-11 There are 2 abandoned vehicle officers for the city.
X-Ray Reserve Officers (level 2 - Can patrol alone)

I'll update/correct this list after I have my chat with one of my friends.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
I have caught a new one that may be related to 155.7600.
It is 154.0250 simplex with a 210.7 PL I can only hear the dispatcher
it sounds like it may be a yard control for the Geiger complex.

As far as up here in Deer Park the Primay District Unit is A/B 520.
Dose not use David call.

As for the Spokane County Paul units are like a power shift that can roam
anyware in the city or county according to P783, a FTO deptuy I know.

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Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
As for Identifiers here is what I have garnered from monitoring (does it correlate to your information?):

Law on SSO F2 D88x Series units
MLPD Law on SSO F2 D870 Series units
SPIAPD Law on 154.8750 R (103.5) D860 Series Units
AHPD Law on SO F2 D840-series units
Deer Park on Law on SO F2 D82x?* Unit *Not well vetted

All of the 'contract cities' have D8xxx numbers but they are rarely used now. DP is an exception- there is a lone investigator assigned there (Scope station) who uses the D820? from time to time.Deer Park has one, Millwood Has one-just not used on the air. I have seen a map but cannot recall who is what.

My understanding of the history is that the D8xx's were used at one time to track how much time a unit spent in a contract city (to fulfill the terms of a contract. With time those terms time-in-district requirements have been dropped.

Spokane PD
Radio Identifiers: Example 'A221' Adam- District, first number= shift (1thru4), Last two District senority so A221 would be dayshift, adam district, first car working
Four district.
A-dam '20's Northwest- northof River West of Division, 'Shadle'
B aker- '30'sNortheast- north of river East of Division, 'Hillayrd'
C harlie- '40's South Hill/S of 90,
D avid- 'The Hills/Downtown- '60's South of river north of 90 'Downtown'
Lincoln are supervisors Sergeants and above, 50 series unit may be Corporals/CST/FTO?.

Spokane S/O
Two Twelve-Hour Shifts
x= Adam/Day shift, Baker/Nights
x5xx = Primary car in district
x6xx = Second Car in a District
x501-507 = SVPD Contract F-1 'Valley'
x508-515 = Sheriff Patrol F-2 'North'
L= Sergeant or Corporals (unable to determine sequence
L552 is Sergeant
P = Investigators and Commercial/truck Enforcement
P522 commercial enf
P600 Unk investigator
P700 Unk Investigator
R= Reserves
V= Scope volunteers


As I live over here on the "Wet" side of the state, I don't get to listen to them except when I'm over there once a month but, this is what I remember and as far as I know, it is still that way.

Once upon a time, Deer Park and Millwood used to have their own P.D. Millwood was actually a town Marshall. When you heard him on the radio, he was usually stopping cars on Argonne! Deer Park disbanded their PD and contracted with the County about 1981 or 82. When the city and the county used to use District numbers for the radio call signs, the county created the all new District 12 and that was the unit assigned to Deer Park. I think it was sometime before that, that Millwood decided to do away with the "Marshall" and just use the county to provide their law enforcement on a part time basis and as needed in the event of a serious/major incident. It was usually the Sheriff's District 1 car that would cover Millwood for the contract time and when they did, they would go out of service from the district and would go in service as 1 Adam 7! That I recall, they also did contract time in Spangle and Freeman and for that, they used straight District numbers when down there. I never did figure that out!

After the City of Spokane changed from the District philosophy and went to the Community Oriented Policing philosophy, they changed to their current setup and went to Sectors. Sometime after that, the County changed and went kind of the same way except they used a Alpha designator to show [Shift]. The graveyard patrols were Adam, the dayshift patrols were Baker and swingshift was Charlie. Deer Park was X512 and was pretty much the only unit there. The other two north patrols were 507 and 508. Sometime after, they added 513 to the Chattaroy area and they would be the second unit covering Deer Park. When I was over there a couple of weeks ago, it sounded like they have rearranged that and I thought I heard 515 handling calls in the Deer Park area.

If they have changed the designators for the outlying cities, I don't know that for sure.

As Tidalwave said in his post, Chief Kirkpatrick has plans to redo the radio call/patrol system in Spokane. Whether that is going to be something like Seattle's or not where as the designators become more diversified, I guess we'll see!

As for the outlying agencies, this is what I remember. Of course all of these numbers are preceded with a "David" designator.

City of Cheney... They are the 801 thru 81x numbers. Side note here, years ago, Cheney didn't have a computer system to check for warrant info. The computer system was called TIEPIN (The Inland Empire Police Information Network) The officer would give the personal info they wanted checked to their dispatcher and then they would come up on County as "800" and run the info, receive the info, then go back to their frequency and relay it to their officer! How's that for operating!!!

City of Medical Lake.... 820 thru 825. Additional side note, I don't know if he still is, but the Mayor of Medical Lake used to be, and maybe still is, a guy named Jim Hill. He might be more familiar on the Spokane WSP area frequency as 1065!

City of Airway Heights.... They used to be 828 and 829 and I believe the low 830's but as the city grew, so did the department and they changed up into the 840's

Spokane International Airport Police were in the 860's and 870's.

City of Liberty Lake... I don't remember to much about them as they were just coming online about the time I moved. I do recall a few times when over there hearing units going on calls in the area out there using D90x calls.

Also...Steve, 155.025 is licensed to the City of Airway Heights! Could be a PD tac channel or just city government activity.

Mike....anymore activity on the 700 mhz frequencies?

Best to all! For the hams... 73 and "Happy New Year"



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 18, 2005
Thats Interesting I didn't know that Jim Hill the mayor was Jim Hill the state trooper as well.

Funny you mention Deer Park used to have its own police department.
I have worked with a guy in the security field that use to be a PD officer
for Deer Park back then.

As for Liberty lake is now D880-89X
Liberty Lake has what I think is a new Car 2 Car on 155.4150 simplex 82.5 tone
I have heard the D88X series with work related chatter.

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