I agree dsn252. I moved to Springfield and have monitored all of Clark County and Springfield since around 1967. Some of my first radios were not scanners, but Heathkit tunable VHF radios I built with my two hands and a soldering iron/gun. I gradually moved to those wonderful Bearcat crystal scanners. Got my crystals at Lafayette Radio on Belmont or the other radio/tv supply house across from Ferncliff. Those were the days of low band VHF and high band VHF. I might add I have also monitored aircraft VHV and UHF. I got my first AOR desktop which allowed me to scan the OANG base out at KSGH and hear the F100 Super Sabers, A-7's, and finally the F-16's, until we lost them to the drone control mission, current at our base, as this traffic was on UHF-aircraft, which was out of range for most scanners until AOR came along. I even did the Pro Voice software for my scanner.
I agree with you, as this is a very sad day for my scanning hobby. I can understand a scrambled TAC channel, but not dispatch. SPD has data terminals!
"Fearful group of leaders," you nailed it, dude! At least we still have Clark Co. SO, Fire, Squads, and aircraft to monitor.
Thanks for your comments!