sticky mess...
While I do agree this works in medium communities with a taxbase to support it, There is A LOT more things that must be dealt with. All rescues/ambulances must be certified to tranport, you have to start your own or outsource medical billing services, and paramedics are not that cheap!
Questions you have to answer: How many rescues can you have "out of service" while waiting for billing information at a hospital without killing your coverage? Do you have enough to cover your summertime peak level of calls? (by FAR the busiest time) Do you really want to have your two medics tied up at the hospital for a lacerated toe as opposed to a BLS (Basic Life Support) crew from a private company, who can handle that just fine? Can your city afford it??? They are firefighters too, what if you have a large fire and need all hands, what about your medical coverage? Rescues are primarialy for fighting fires, can you afford to lose one from an accident? From my experience, most calls take ~45-60 min from dispatch to you calling back in service.
Ok I admit I may be biased, but this system works well. And believe me, we get there! And yes private companies do background checks too. The company in question has been in service since the '50s. I doubt they have been in business so long by screwing things up. Not to say that a newer company can't provide equal or better service!
There are a lot of us out there that have no interest in fighting fires, where are we supposed to work?