Stopping Violation on a Bicycle in California

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Feb 24, 2001
Does anyone know the Fine for not stopping a Bicycle on a Stop sign ?
Does it get towards your Driving record ?


Dec 19, 2002
Bicycle riders must obey all portions of the Vehicle Code that are applicable to drivers of motor vehicles (CVC 21456.2(a)). Therefore, they face all the same fines as you would if you were driving a motor vehicle.

According to the 2005 version of the California Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, the fine is $146.00. If you do it in road construction or maintenance zones, the file swells to $245.00. I believe these are still current.

Both cases are one point each.
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Mar 11, 2007
Bike Fine Bs !

Catching RAPISTS ROBBERS MURDERERS violent criminals takes intelligent thoughtful personel. Unfortunatly law enforcement has become an extension of the welfare system focusing on providing jobs as a means of creating an illusion of self worth ect . . . . . and " TAKING DOWN " the criminal bike rider is another " BUSY WORK " method for substandard personel to make believe - " THEY CAN TOO BE A POWEIIFS OWFICER ! ". Running a red light on a bicycle in Fremont is about $400. if no other vehicles needed to acknowledge/react to the bicyclist. Using the Statutory authority of Police to ticket bicyclists is a gross waste of Police budgets but a easy way to crow - " I protect the city from criminals "


Jan 16, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Catching RAPISTS ROBBERS MURDERERS violent criminals takes intelligent thoughtful personel. Unfortunatly law enforcement has become an extension of the welfare system focusing on providing jobs as a means of creating an illusion of self worth ect . . . . . and " TAKING DOWN " the criminal bike rider is another " BUSY WORK " method for substandard personel to make believe - " THEY CAN TOO BE A POWEIIFS OWFICER ! ". Running a red light on a bicycle in Fremont is about $400. if no other vehicles needed to acknowledge/react to the bicyclist. Using the Statutory authority of Police to ticket bicyclists is a gross waste of Police budgets but a easy way to crow - " I protect the city from criminals " much was your ticket?


Feb 20, 2001
Catching RAPISTS ROBBERS MURDERERS violent criminals takes intelligent thoughtful personel. Unfortunatly law enforcement has become an extension of the welfare system focusing on providing jobs as a means of creating an illusion of self worth ect . . . . . and " TAKING DOWN " the criminal bike rider is another " BUSY WORK " method for substandard personel to make believe - " THEY CAN TOO BE A POWEIIFS OWFICER ! ". Running a red light on a bicycle in Fremont is about $400. if no other vehicles needed to acknowledge/react to the bicyclist. Using the Statutory authority of Police to ticket bicyclists is a gross waste of Police budgets but a easy way to crow - " I protect the city from criminals "

So when you don't stop at the stop sign like your supposed to and get ran over, don't cry to us.

The laws are there for a reason, if you don't like em, call your congressman.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Catching RAPISTS ROBBERS MURDERERS violent criminals takes intelligent thoughtful personel. Unfortunatly law enforcement has become an extension of the welfare system focusing on providing jobs as a means of creating an illusion of self worth ect . . . . . and " TAKING DOWN " the criminal bike rider is another " BUSY WORK " method for substandard personel to make believe - " THEY CAN TOO BE A POWEIIFS OWFICER ! ". Running a red light on a bicycle in Fremont is about $400. if no other vehicles needed to acknowledge/react to the bicyclist. Using the Statutory authority of Police to ticket bicyclists is a gross waste of Police budgets but a easy way to crow - " I protect the city from criminals "
While I do belive there are a lot of LE actions going on out there that really are "revenue generation", enforcing the vehicle code with respect to bicycles is NOT one of them. One of my pet peeves is that most bicyclists ignore the laws of the road, cause me to take action to avoid hitting them, and need to be fined. When I'm riding my bicycle I follow the laws; and ironically I've been the one hit by an auto. It's just too dangerous out there and having drivers & riders that just 'do what they want' does not make it safer.


Dec 19, 2002
Western U.S.
21456.2A VC is specific for bicyclists obeying a "bicycle signal."

21456.2. (a) Unless otherwise directed by a bicycle signal as
provided in Section 21456.3, an operator of a bicycle shall obey the
provisions of this article applicable to the driver of a vehicle.
(b) Whenever an official traffic control signal exhibiting
different colored bicycle symbols is shown concurrently with official
traffic control signals exhibiting different colored lights or
arrows, an operator of a bicycle facing those traffic control signals
shall obey the bicycle signals as provided in Section 21456.3.

THIS is the specific Calif. section regarding bicyclists having to obey all rules of the road:

21200 (a) Every person riding a bicycle upon a highway has all the
rights and is subject to all the provisions applicable to the driver
of a vehicle by this division, including, but not limited to,
provisions concerning driving under the influence of alcoholic
beverages or drugs, and by Division 10 (commencing with Section
20000), Section 27400, Division 16.7 (commencing with Section 39000),
Division 17 (commencing with Section 40000.1), and Division 18
(commencing with Section 42000), except those provisions which by
their very nature can have no application.

Bicycle riders must obey all portions of the Vehicle Code that are applicable to drivers of motor vehicles (CVC 21456.2(a)). Therefore, they face all the same fines as you would if you were driving a motor vehicle.

According to the 2005 version of the California Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, the fine is $146.00. If you do it in road construction or maintenance zones, the file swells to $245.00. I believe these are still current.

Both cases are one point each.


Jul 10, 2007
Douglas County, Nevada
In Davis, CA there are bike police that regularly patrol both the University and downtown area. The fine fro a stop sign violation is $220 and the fine for not having a bike light at night is $60.


Apr 22, 2001
When you stop a skinny, toothless, young gentleman with burned fingertips, and 3-to-15 various Leatherman tools riding his newphews' BMX Huffy without a headlight and a watch pocket full of ninja rocks in a residential area at 0400hrs one begins to appreciate the value of these specific sections.

If you want to bash the police, RR may not the optimal venue, would likely welcome your views.


Feb 24, 2001
One of my pet peeves is that most bicyclists ignore the laws of the road, cause me to take action to avoid hitting them, and need to be fined. When I'm riding my bicycle I follow the laws; and ironically I've been the one hit by an auto. It's just too dangerous out there and having drivers & riders that just 'do what they want' does not make it safer.

I have had similar observations. I'm addicted to road cycling. When I'm on a bike I'm almost hyper aware of what is going on around me. I'm well aware, like almost every serious rider, that being correct as far as the right of way spelled out in law, means nothing if you are in a collision with a car. When I'm in a car I am diligent when I observe a bicycle and give them all the respect for their safety that I can. In spite of this, I've had several incidents of bicycles not following traffic laws coming out of nowhere, resulting in very close calls. What are the odds of having a serious accident in the future? Too high for my comfort, at least.

I live in a town with lots of people on bikes. The population is physically active and in a beautiful outdoor setting. Many ride their bikes to get to work, go to the grocery store, and run other errands, due to the high cost of rent, gasoline, food, and everything else. This is the norm in resort towns. Many of these riders ignore traffic laws when they throw that right leg over the frame. I think that law enforcement should deal with every bicycle violations they see unless, of course, they are enroute to a more urgent situation. Sometimes the violations become so prevalent that it takes a focused effort to address them.

Using the logic of not doing anything unless it involves a serious crime is a slippery slope. We could then say that only violent crime should be addressed and that such things as burglary and embezzlement are unimportant. We could say that murder isn't really important unless it is connected to a serial killer or terrorism.

I've observed a common response among violators of "why are you making such a big deal out of this, I'm not hurting anyone." I've heard that for violations such as "peeping toms," not paying for a campground site (this is really shoplifting with similar monetary values), parking in front of a no parking sign in a red painted zone, pulling 40 fish out of a 2 acre lake, ripping up a meadow with an off highway vehicle, bull dozing a road up a stream bottom, and cutting down 250 year old trees. They all hurt someone or something and I did not deal with it unless that was true. Like all people charged with enforcing the law, I did not have time to deal with something unless the violations had unacceptable consequences.

I once thought that parking violations were a nuisance and not deserving of my time until I transferred to a high use Ranger District where I soon saw a situation where an engine and paramedic unit could not reach the victim of a heart attack without substantial delay because illegal parking had narrowed the route enough that the apparatus could not pass. Later I observed that once parking is out of control it causes gridlock, not just occasionally but every single time, in the locations I had to deal with. Gridlock can takes hours to unravel, where staying on top of the situation by issuing citations, contained in those sticky plastic envelopes that have "Violation Notice Enclosed" in large letters on an orange background hung on offending vehicles, can prevent it with only 10-15 minutes of work.

The purpose of any citation is to cause people to look at their behavior and hopefully make some changes. Often times, a violator cannot understand the consequences to other people that result from a violation. This can result from of a lack of awareness or because they really don't care about anyone else. People with chronic selfishness are guaranteed to have regular contact with law enforcement. Often the insight of looking beyond oneself comes with maturity. Whatever is the case, I believe that citations have saved more lives and prevented more injuries than can be accounted for.
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Feb 24, 2001
Educated people create wonderful answers on paper; Experienced people know why there are waste paper baskets.

And experienced, well educated people don't get the credit they deserve!


Oct 17, 2005
Riverside County, CA

The "bike stop" is probable cause to run you for warrants, etc.

A couple of months ago I was stopped by a RSO deputy for "not putting my foot down" at a stop sign!
Once I sized him up and he lowered his guard I told him of my radio hobby and that I was well aware of "what was really going on" was PC for a stop. At that point my "check" came back "clear all ways" and we said goodbye to each other. After I resumed my bike ride it occurred to me that he never brought up the stop sign "violation" again, nor did he run my $600 mountain bike's serial number. (too cheap I guess!)

He asked if I had any weapons, and when I said that I did not he accepted my response and that was the end of it. (Instead of, "I'm just going to check you for my safety and yours")

Listening to RSO or any police agency for that matter, you will find that bike stops net all kinds of things from simple traffic warrants to burgulary tools, to drug possession. Just another tool like a burned out license plate or no front plate on your vehicle.

Not complaining here because I haven't anything to hide. If "bike stops" take more scum bags off the street then so be it! :) It is after all a reflection of the world today.
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Feb 24, 2001
Does anyone know the Fine for not stopping a Bicycle on a Stop sign ?
Does it get towards your Driving record ?

I'm surprised by all the comments about it.
So the Ticket could be between $146 and $220 ?
I still have not heard or figured out if it goes towards your driving Record.
On one website I read in California a bicycle does not count as a Vehicle ?

By the way it not happen to me, It happen to a friend of mine.
He just was wondering and asking the same question as I doing here.
Also he was told the Ticked would be mailed to him, so he has no idea how much it would be and If it would go on his driving Record


Feb 24, 2001
Your website is wrong. CVC 21200-21212

The other part of your question was already answered.

The California Vehicle Code (CVC) does not include bicycles in the definition of "vehicle." This definition is as follows:

A "vehicle" is a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.

Amended Ch. 987, Stats. 1975. Effective January 1, 1976.
CVC Division 1, Section 670

Whether a bicycle is a vehicle is not important as the CVC sections cited by JoeyC clearly spell out how a bicycle is to be operated on highways and roads.
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Feb 23, 2007
I don't think I've ever seen a bicyclist stop at a stop sign. Most riders breifly apply breaks to slow down, then breeze right thru the intersection if there are no cars present. Most think they are immune to the road laws.


Jun 20, 2005
Travelers Rest, SC
So any kamikaze bicycle riding is illegal and you will be held responsible for breaking any vehicular laws pertaining in the state/county/city you are riding in. I still can't help it sometimes.

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