It does get confusing -- Las Vegas (city) Marshals are responsible for property protection & public safety on city property but LVMPD seems to have concurrent jurisdiction (when I've worked on LV City property, in-case of a non-violent in-progress incident, they always tended to call LV City Marshals, because their response time would be faster -- LVMPD is usually so backed-up, it could take an hour for a unit to free-up from higher priority calls).
But since Fremont Street Experience draws so many tourists (& criminals/thugs), LVMPD also will have a presence. FSE is a consortium funded by some of the casino-hotels bordering that part of Fremont St, and has uniformed security that are first-responders to the usual issues but are reliant on LV Marshals & LVMPD for major incidents. The other LEA you'll see there is Nevada Taxicab Authority Compliance & Enforcement officers:
Compliance mostly hanging-out and pretending they've got full police-powers and being amused as people look at their unmarked patrol vehicles, trying to figure out WTF they are... They also enforce proper taxi passenger pick-up/drop-off locations & procedures.
Have you ever worried about how safe Fremont Street is at night? Learn about the precautions Fremont Street Experience uses to ensures one's safety.
The Las Vegas City Council today approved a new Metro Police substation for Fremont Street in downtown. The station is an extra security measure in response to a recent uptick of crime in ...
The city of Las Vegas has announced the creation of the FLEX team, a problem-solving and detective unit that patrols areas like Fremont Street and the Arts District, among others.
Federal (DHS-HSI) occasionally has a presence, but I don't think they have an interest in dealing with the usual FSE mayhem -- HSI has been heard operational during major events in the area such as 'Life is Beautiful.'
FSE, Inc. uses DMR channels licensed under WPPG580. From listening to their security over the years, I've never heard them switch to a secondary talk-group -- it's always their primary, or calling on the phone/meeting face to face. The FSE-area casino/resorts have their own security and do usually have guard posts located along their FSE ingress/egress points, so plenty of times, they're the first to report an incident on FSE. LV City Marshals are on the SNACC system, LVMPD is on their encrypted system, save for occasional use of a simplex Tac channel, and the Taxi Authority people are on NSRS. All of course also occasionally use cellphones and some may use push to talk over cellular like Zello private channels or FirstNet, and FSE Security will hand-out one of their radios to a LV City Marshal & LVMPD Supervisor assigned to the FSE Mess so they can communicate directly with FSE Security.
FSE can be FUN, depending on your mindset. If nothing-else, it's like going to a zoo -- plenty of strange, animals to watch, but the only smells will be marijuana and maybe a little vomit. As I get older, my tolerance for it gets shorter & shorter & my current lethal-dose exposure limit is about 45 minutes. After that, I need to GTFO or at-least make expedited, safe-passage to Circa, Pizza Rock, Atomic Liquors or a couple nice, relatively calm hangouts in some of the other FSE casino/hotels. I'm a great swimmer, but the sea of humanity on FSE after about 10PM on a Friday or Saturday is both turbulent & fetid (& I say that as someone who used to go SCUBA diving in the Detroit River & Hong Kong Harbor). As a radio-geek though, monitoring the various FSE related safety & security channels is great, albeit depressing entertainment.
SO... Seems like streaming LV City Marshals Talk-Groups would be allowed, it'd just be a matter of streaming the correct TG in-use by them for their FSE/FLEX Detail, but I don't know if their FSE comms would be entertaining/informative enough to make it worth the effort.