Suggested Settings for SDS100


Premium Subscriber
Feb 11, 2025
Western Massachusetts
I understand everyone's specific location is unique in terms of reception...

But, I just got a Uniden SDS100 portable and wondering if there are any suggested settings other users in MA have found to get the most out of their SDS100?

Location is one that confuses the heck out of me. Been experimenting with it on/off, changing set range from default setting of 10 mi to 45 mi, different global filter on/off/various settings.

Any recommendations on settings to start with (ones mentioned above plus anything else that would improve performance and reception.

I am in Springfield area...

Been trying a Comet telescoping antenna and a Larsen tri-band mobile antenna. Still seeing what works best for antenna. It seemed like the Larsen made biggest improvement in range and signal so far.

Any recommended menu setting changes that you can think of as a "best practice"/good starting point that works, etc.?



LMR Explorer
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
Been trying a Comet telescoping antenna and a Larsen tri-band mobile antenna. Still seeing what works best for antenna. It seemed like the Larsen made biggest improvement in range and signal so far.
Seems like you answered your own question by experimenting. There is no "right" or "best" setting that anyone can recommend for your application.... The effectiveness of the filters in the PDF below is completely dependent on your unique environment, i.e., noise floor levels at your location, your antenna setup, local adjacent channel interference, etc. Experimentation at your location is the only possible way you can determine the best setting that will improve your reception. Someone else's "best" setting may actually degrade your reception.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 11, 2025
Western Massachusetts
Thanks for the replies and additional resources. Much appreciated!

Fully understanding differences may exist in any location, I took a chance to see if there were any tips/tricks that people may have experienced that were general baseline suggestions. Like... "I found this worked better than that" or "whatever you do, you don't want to set to that option".

Was just reaching out to see if there were any common opinions that SDS100 owners discovered in their own tweaking experimentation.

Thanks again! Many knowledgeable folks here.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 11, 2025
Western Massachusetts
My SDS100 Update here in Western Massachusetts...

  • stock antenna
  • Remtronix 920
  • Bingfu
  • Larsen tri-band LMO mobile on magnetic base
Results were making me think the SDS100 might get packed up and sent back or sold.

800 mhz digital trunks were crystal clear, but the scanner would scan vhf hi and 400 mhz programmed frequencies with nothing coming in.

Finally found settings that worked for me.

Use Location is on for favorite lists scanned.

I programmed zip code locations for spots i expect to be scanning in.

Range is set to 50 miles.

Global filters... tried them all.
One seemed to make a huge difference. That was WIDE INVERTED on the Larsen tri-band mobile mount antenna.

All of a sudden, I started pulling in 154-155 mhz and programmed channels in 400's pretty good.

Just figured I would share what happened so far, because I was thinking something was wrong with the SDS100.

Seems to be more in line with my expectations now. Strong reception close by locations, plus pulling in some (little more static, but still readable) from 15 miles away or more.

If you have trouble with vhf high or 400 ranges on SDS100 don't throw in the towel without trying some of these internal settings. Experiment. Your results may vary and settings that seemed to improve my reception might do the same for you. But figured I would share, just in case it helps any.