Hello Audio2: This is a good antenna, but remember its well over 25 to 35 years old. Inspect the coaxes for harding, cracking, and just falling apart. The coax on my Scanner Antenna was nothing special, it was
RG58C, don't buy the Radio Shack RG58C Coax.
It might be a good idea to pre-test the antenna on the ground, that is connect up the control box to the antenna side relay box and verify it all switches before putting it up.
Many years ago I was asked to go look at a Super Scanner Antenna installation at the local gas station, that wasn't working. The SS Antenna was working, switching and all as it was supposed to. But the guys installed metal guy wires, attached to the base of the SS Antenna just under the control box. This threw off the antennas performance big time. They repalced the metal guy wires with Nylon Guy wires and all worked well.
CB Tricks - Home Page has the manual for the Super Scanner Antenna at:
Antenna Specialists MS-119 Super Scanner
Be advised. Good Luck.
Jay in the Mojave