im not trying to hack the system im just tring to listen to the local PD's
heres the deal i have 2 mtx 8000's and want to get them programed at a local motorola dealer and they said that i need a system key and that they could ONLY program them to recieve... since it would be against the law to be able to transmit on those frequencies
The system key is a proprietary file owned by the system admin personnel. It is not for general distribution even if your intent it to set your radios to monitor only. Radio Reference does not condone supplying these files. You can contact the system admin folks to ask them but the answer you will get is "no". If you are not authorized on their system, you won't get anywhere.
Take our advice - buy yourself a trunking scanner. It's a lot easier and won't cause you any problems should you end up getting caught with a two-way radio programmed up on a public safety system.