teamspeak program

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Jan 29, 2004
hello i'm using the teamspeak program to listen to LAPD LASD and as of a few days ago it just stopped working. i went to the forums for teamspeak and i was faced with rudeness on the forum. the problem i'm having is after i connect to teamspeak i double click for example on the LAPD feed and get nothing. i don't know what to do. it seems to have locked up. i deleted teamspeak from my computer and reinstalled it with no success. any help will be appreciated. thanks


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
This is the result of a policy change at as far as I know. I have not been back since the change, but it was a topic of heated discussion in the Live Scanner Audio Yahoogroup.

I believe you will find details at My Teamspeak server remains open to the public, but I don't have any of the feeds that you refer to.

There's nothing wrong with your Teamspeak install, I'm quite certain.


Jan 29, 2004

ok i found the details the other day. i just enjoyed listening to the feeds and was certainly ready to send an alert but never had the opportunity to do so. i don't spend much time at home. thanks for your assistance. take care.


Oct 26, 2003
Lake Arrowhead, Southern California
The SBN Teamspeak server remains on-line and feeds LAPD, LASD, CHP covering Santa Barbara south to San Diego, NorCal, and more. But there have been significant changes recently.

From the beginning our TS server was a resource of our total site, the Scannerbuff Netowrk. SBN is a free natiowide incident alert service. But what we found happen was that users would sign up with the intent of receiving alerts only. If the alert was an agency covered on our stream they would quickly login for the duration and then log off without even a Hi, Good-Bye, Thanks! The same user also wouldn't send an alert for the benefit of others. Some users would camp on our TS server while they were asleep and for days at a time. We would boot them and they would keep coming back and ignore requests, plea's, and more.

This is troublesome because as the owner of the hosting company I use only premium, low latency bandwidth that costs me three times what the average web host provides. SBN also sits on two dedicated servers: one for SBN and one for TS. Our TS server can handle 1000's of listeners without a loss in quality. ALL at my expense.

To make a long story short, we closed the doors. Our TS server is now for participating members only. Participation can be in many forms: dispatchers, posters, chatters... but participating.

The above is the short story. I have been called every name in the book, and then some. But we're building a community. You are welcome to join us, but lurkers and listeners need not apply.

OUT OF MUTUAL RESPECT FOR THE OWNER OF THIS SITE, if you have comments or questions post them in our forums.
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