True story. I was using CC on another brand portable with a 1-2” antenna and was scanning in the 460-512mhz band. I was standing outside Westfields shopping center which is the biggest shopping center in Australia in all state. I lock onto a hit and heard 2 guy’s talking to each other and following a guy in the shopping centre. Anyway I worked out where these guy’s were following this guy so I walked to the area while still CC receiving. I then heard 1 guy say, “OK, l‘ll grab him when he just gets outside the store. Low and behold about 10 feet from me these 2 guy’s grabbed this other guy who had shopping bags with him while he just stepped foot outside the shopping centre mall and a scuffle broke out. It turned out he was stealing from a department store and the 2 Loss Prevention Agent’s were tailing him while on their 2-way radio and I received it all on CC mode on my radio. This is why I love scanning.
f using CC in a situation like this or simular, I found using the lowest gain or even a out of band antenna for best in close contacts.
f using CC in a situation like this or simular, I found using the lowest gain or even a out of band antenna for best in close contacts.