I would like to ask the experts for some help. I'm looking for a new scanner. I currently have a old Radio Shack Pro 2096. I'm searching for a new one, Like the brand new Uniden Bearcat BCD996XT. Is there something better? I mean shopping for scanners is so difficult. I'm worried it will become outdated in a year. *scary*. Also as I understand it, The BC996XT will receive anything except mode "E" (Listed in the Database)? Is mode E "Tetra"? What are the chances everything becomes E? I'm kind of a n00b sorry. But there is no better place for help than RadioReference.
Thank you for reading.
I would like to ask the experts for some help. I'm looking for a new scanner. I currently have a old Radio Shack Pro 2096. I'm searching for a new one, Like the brand new Uniden Bearcat BCD996XT. Is there something better? I mean shopping for scanners is so difficult. I'm worried it will become outdated in a year. *scary*. Also as I understand it, The BC996XT will receive anything except mode "E" (Listed in the Database)? Is mode E "Tetra"? What are the chances everything becomes E? I'm kind of a n00b sorry. But there is no better place for help than RadioReference.
Thank you for reading.