I love hearing people debate the merits of various duck antennas. I've tried them all and as someone in the hobby once told me.....a rubber duck antenna is approximately as efficient as a piece of hanger wire. While we know that isn't totally true, it's not that far off. I've tried every duck antenna made and found that it's a matter of length vs. what you are trying to receive. If you are mainly focused on VHF and UHF it will be an improvement over a standard scanner duck antenna, more so on the VHF side, making a really big difference in the VHF airband. 450-460 MHz is modestly improved, usually. Milair is surprisingly good.
If you ware interested in 700/800 MHZ as your primary interest, either be ready to switch your antennas all the time, or just forget about this antenna. It will mean a DECREASE in signal on many if not all frequencies in this band. I know this from personal testing. I really WANTED it to work for everything, but science tells us that no one duck antenna will do that, and it didn't work for the higher frequency stuff very well.
After decades of trying everything under, the sun, I can tell you that the standard Uniden / GRE duck antenna is the best overall for someone like me who monitors everything from the VHF airband up to 800 mhz. It truly bugs me that I come to this conclusion every time I test. I guess the people making these radios might actually know what antenna will work best for the range of the scanner....hmmm...
As far as the RS 800 antenna the so many swear by, meh......
You MIGHT get on average, one bar of signal more (sorry for the arbitrary measurement). Could that be "make or break" for some? Sure, in which case go buy one. But in every state I've done testing, the improvement is small at 800 MHZ, and you actually take a hit on UHF, and bigger hit on VHF, and an even bigger hit on VHF airband. So in terms of performance, it's not worth it to me. One bonus you get with that model is that it is flexible where as the stock antenna is very stiff.
I own one of all of these antennas, and usually just use the stock duck antenna. And of course, that's just my two cents, YMMV. I say buy them all, test them, and you will probably come to the same conclusion.