Interesting comments. I purchased my unblocked R9000 (used) from Universal Radio late fall of 2015. Great radio! I paid a very reasonable price with the confidence it had been gone over at Universal. Heavy! Going to be interesting when it comes time to move as I am on the second floor and obviously she has no handles. I added the SP-34 maybe a year ago along with a Timewave Noise Cancelling box, really helps out with all the locally generated noise. Say what you will, but I actually sold off my R8600 simply because it was too advanced for my monitoring needs. No doubt a very nice receiver, but I am quite happy with the R9K and my Galaxy R 530.
Understand the economics of potential repairs with a older radio, but I will worry of that when and if the time comes. Put it this way...I drive a 2011 Escape XLT which just turned 160K. I prefer to use Ford for routine service, they take care of me and extend unsolicited discounts. Hate running the gauntlet of sales staff when I visit, not only can they be demanding, but find their arguments full of holes which make zero sense. Take care of your equipment and your equipment will take care of you.
But I digress, the R9k's notch and IF shift are great and when minor adjustments are made with bass and treble, there are no issues pulling audible voice from the noise. Like to monitor Canadian 2Mhz weather broadcasts, lately the lower freqs have been propagating well and were pretty solid the other night here in my suburban Pittsburgh location.
Mine has the amber CRT, and like with a 'scope, the trace is set lightly to minimize burn in and once tuned, I turn the display off. No issues with heat, although she does get warm, but as others have mentioned, Icom has engineered the case to work as a heat sink. I'm planning on transitioning to a non switching DC supply soon, so we'll see how that works out.
I doubt the economics would justify it, but i would love to see someone offer enhancement service and touch ups. I've noticed a capacitor whine following power on when the radio has not been used for several days. But otherwise, solid performance all modes and frequencies. Spoke with Mr. Sherwood recently and he is retired now. Interesting man and enjoyed the conversation.
Happy Holidays and good DX,