The FCC is going to take away your beloved spectrum if we dont get more hams! Look at it like that..
And if you dont think they wont,you better wake up.
EXTREMELY doubtful. Let's break down our spectrum:
HF: In this technological world we live in, the number of non-amateur users wanting worldwide communication have zero interest in HF radio. The number of broadcast SW stations are dwindling, worldwide military coms are more satellite than HF, and the noise floor and propagation of HF does not provide a "reliable" means of long distance communication that a business would have much interest in. We are in virtually no danger of losing HF spectrum. The only danger here is losing our spectrum to RFI, as more and more cheap electronics are allowed to cause RFI across the HF spectrum.
50 MHz - 450 MHz: As more public safety and commercial users are moving to 700/800 MHz trunked systems (or other forms of communications like cellular) there's plenty of bandwidth available in the Part 90 spectrum already, very doubtful there's a need to take over the ham bands. Especially with Narrowband, that has opened up more available Part 90 channels. Other than low power Part 15 emissions, what would be the point in needing the spectrum that hams have in this part of the dial?
900 MHz and up: This is the part of the Amateur spectrum that is in the most danger of being taken away from us. As more Part 90 services move to 700/800 MHz, they may need room to grow. Cellular providers could easily grow their network in the 900/1200 MHz spectrum. Long distance wi-fi and internet providers could benefit here, too.
However, would we really care if 900 MHz and above went away? Based on the lack of amateur radio gear in this part of the spectrum, there's probably only a handful of hams that use this spectrum. I know there are users in the 900 and 1200 bands, but for sure not enough to justify it's existence over users that would pay to purchase the spectrum.
And even then, it's doubtful we'd loose that spectrum. We'd probably be put on a secondary user basis for 900 MHz and above (as I believe we already are for 900 MHz?)
Now with that being said, I don't feel that we're in danger of loosing spectrum. I think we are in danger of loosing licensing. Amateur Radio does not make the FCC much money. How long before a bunch of bickering old hams finally peeve off the FCC and they decide to put us on "License By Rule" like CB and FRS? That's something we do NOT want to happen. We as hams have to remember that while this is just a hobby, it's one that should reflect good nature and promote users that act mature and professionally.