• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

The Great Unofficial Radioreference FRS/GMRS/MURS All-Inclusive Fact Sheet v2.0

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 18, 2017
Phx, AZ
Since the old "Fact Sheet" sticky post was a bit out of date I updated the previous content originally written by Darth_vader and reposted it here. I very likely have missed something or have a few typos so please feel free to suggest any edits!

DISCLAIMER: This document is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice and should not be construed as such. Legal matters should be referred to a qualified attorney or lawyer. All information is considered current as of the date this post was submitted. Since regulations and practices may change over time, it is advisable to consult an official source such as the FCC for the most up-to-date information.





Ch 01 | 462.5625 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS | Unofficial national calling channel
Ch 02 | 462.5875 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 03 | 462.6125 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 04 | 462.6375 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 05 | 462.6625 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 06 | 462.6875 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 07 | 462.7125 MHz | 2 W FRS/5 W GMRS
Ch 08 | 467.5625 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 09 | 467.5875 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 10 | 467.6125 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 11 | 467.6375 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 12 | 467.6625 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 13 | 467.6875 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 14 | 467.7125 MHz | 0.5 W FRS & GMRS
Ch 15 | 462.5500 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 16 | 462.5750 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 17 | 462.6000 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 18 | 462.6250 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 19 | 462.6500 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 20 | 462.6750 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS | Unofficial national calling channel (PL 141.3)
Ch 21 | 462.7000 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS
Ch 22 | 462.7250 MHz | 2 W FRS/50 W GMRS

GMRS -- repeater input only, simplex operation is not allowed:
Ch 15 | 467.5500 MHz | 50 W
Ch 16 | 467.5750 MHz | 50 W
Ch 17 | 467.6000 MHz | 50 W
Ch 18 | 467.6250 MHz | 50 W
Ch 19 | 467.6500 MHz | 50 W
Ch 20 | 467.6750 MHz | 50 W | Unofficial national calling channel (PL 141.3)
Ch 21 | 467.7000 MHz | 50 W
Ch 22 | 467.7250 MHz | 50 W

Ch 01 | 151.820 MHz | 2 W
Ch 02 | 151.880 MHz | 2 W
Ch 03 | 151.940 MHz | 2 W
Ch 04 | 154.570 MHz | 2 W | ("Blue dot")
Ch 05 | 154.600 MHz | 2 W | ("Green dot")

========== BANDWIDTH ==========

FRS (all channels)
Bandwidth: 12.5 kHz

Bandwidth: 25 kHz (Ch 1-7, 15-22)
Bandwidth: 12.5 kHz (Ch 8-14)

========== LICENSING ==========

License is required when operating at power levels greater than 2 watts ERP on channels 1-7 and 15-22, or when accessing repeaters.

At the time of this writing, GMRS licensing is handled by the FCC. The fee is $70 and the license is valid for 10 years. A GMRS license covers the holder and the immediate members of his/her family. A GMRS license holder must be aged 18 and up, but the service may be used by his family members of any age. No examination or test/quiz is conducted for GMRS licensing. A part 90/business or HAM radio license does NOT legally grant any privileges to operate GMRS and vice versa.

No license required when operating type-approved FRS radio within the FRS power limits (2 watts on channels 1-7 & 15-22, 0.5 watts on channels 8-14)

No license required when operating within MURS power limits (2 watts).

========== TYPE ACCEPTANCE ==========

//TODO: re-write this


The FCC maintain a searchable database of all transceivers certified for part-95 use on

1. Under "Application Information: Application Status:", select Grant Issued.
2. Under "Equipment Information: Rule Parts (up to three):", select "95E" for GMRS, "95B" for FRS or "95J" for MURS and tick "exact match" (selected by default). It's probably best to search each one individually, as this narrows your search and reduces confusion.
3. Under "Formatting Options: Show results in", select "HTML" (default).
4. Specify number of search results to display (default: 10).
5. Select "Start search". It may take several minutes to display if a large number of results is given in step 4.

NOSCRIPT USERS: Temporarily allow "apps.fcc.gov" to use the search page.

========== REPEATERS ==========

Repeaters on GMRS are usually considered to be specifically for the private use of those who operate them, however many individuals and radio clubs operate "open" repeaters intended for public use. Some of these repeaters may require permission from the operators to work them, but not always (although it is considered polite to ask regardless.) A good resource for GMRS repeater information, including non-exhaustive lists of repeaters around the United States is myGMRS.com - GMRS Repeater Directory.

========== OTHER FACTS ==========

//TODO: update this?

FRS: 47 CFR 95B
GMRS: 47 CFR 95E
MURS: 47 CFR 95J

FRS and GMRS always use FM. MURS may use other modulation formats, but FM is arguably the most commonly used.

GMRS channels 19 and 21 (650 and 700) are not allowed to be used near the Canadian border.

FRS transceivers are allowed to be used in Mexico on channels 1-14, however care must be exercised to avoid transmitting on GMRS 15-22 if a combination transceiver is used there.

It is legal for FRS and GMRS users to communicate with each other. The low maximum power level of FRS devices may cause problems when communicating to a GMRS station over any significant distance.

CTCSS and digital squelch is allowed on all services, and may be required to access repeaters on GMRS.

FRS, GMRS and MURS were originally intended to be used for personal communications within one's group, however there is almost nothing prohibiting deviation from this (see next paragraph). There is no "content police" on F/GM/MURS and in some areas, portions of GMRS and MURS are used as an "alternative" HAM service; the subject matter discussed in them might be similar to what one would find scanning the several HAM bands.

Transmission of music is never allowed on any part-95 band including CB. Morse code is allowed but rarely used for anything other than distress signals or automatic GMRS repeater self-identification. Data transmissions are allowed on MURS but may be restricted on the other services.

Business use of GMRS is generally prohibited, principally due to (expensive) licensing restrictions and its reclassification as a personal-use radio service in the 1980s. Exceptions exist for businesses licensed for GMRS before revision of the service's rule in the 1980s and are operating under the "grandfather" regulation. Many businesses are now using FRS for this purpose as it is free of such restrictions.

========== SEE ALSO ==========

Family Radio Service - The RadioReference Wiki - FRS description on the RadioReference wiki
http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/personal/family/ - FRS information from the FCC

General Mobile Radio Service - The RadioReference Wiki - GMRS description on the RadioReference wiki
https://www.fcc.gov/general-mobile-radio-service-gmrs - GMRS information from the FCC
myGMRS.com - GMRS Repeater Directory - GMRS repeater information and directory

Multi-Use Radio Service - The RadioReference Wiki - MURS description on the RadioReference wiki
https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/multi-use-radio-service-murs - MURS information from the FCC

https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=47: - Electronic Code of Federal Regulations title 47 part 95; the official document describing all this stuff (almost reads like an FAQ) (thanks, nd5y)

***** edit log *****
12/29/2017 16:01 - updated styling
12/29/2017 16:06 - updated styling
12/29/2017 16:21 - fixed link URLs
12/29/2017 16:27 - fixed misc typos
12/29/2017 17:32 - corrected power limits, fixed misc typos
12/29/2017 17:37 - updated styling
12/29/2017 17:40 - added link to old post
Last edited:


Premium Subscriber
Nov 18, 2017
Phx, AZ
Welp..I realized that the comments can't be edited after two hours, so I'm unable to complete the updated Fact Sheet. Mods - can this post please be unstickied/deleted? I will then make a new post that includes all the intended revisions I was not able to include in this thread.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Welp..I realized that the comments can't be edited after two hours, so I'm unable to complete the updated Fact Sheet. Mods - can this post please be unstickied/deleted? I will then make a new post that includes all the intended revisions I was not able to include in this thread.
Or, abandon this idea of building the fact sheet as a forum message and make it a Wiki article instead. You won't have the editing restrictions in the Wiki that you have in the Forums.

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