Well, it's taken awhile but I finally got my shack operational after moving it to a new room.
Shack was in the small bedroom at the top of the stairs and the mid-size bedroom was the guest room. The former was just too small for the shack (although it served me well for many years), so I decided to make the small bedroom the guest room and the mid-size bedroom into my shack.
Took the better part of a year to get everything swapped; I've got back problems, and getting the guest room functional was higher priority so when my Mom came to visit she would have a place to sleep. Once that got done I was able to really start on the new shack. And here it is...

On the main desk, there's an RSPduo and an Anytone AT-D578UVIII DMR radio on the top shelf (under the Apple Cinema Display).
On the lower shelf, there's an Icom IC-7300 and IC-R8600, with a Pro-2004 scanner next to the 8600.
Above it mounted on the wall is a 40" TV which can be used as a TV or as another monitor for the Mac Mini on the radio desk. Main computer on the other desk is an M1 Mac Mini with two 27" Dell monitors.

The scanner rack has a Zetron Model 27 receiver monitor panel at the top. The top row is an SDS200 and Pro-2035; below that, two Radio Shack Pro-197s, and below those a Uniden BCD996XT and BCD996T. Finally at the bottom, two Motorola XTL2500s, one VHF and one UHF.
Some of the scanners have separate antennas; the others are connected to a Monitenna clone through an Electroline distribution amp/splitter.
The panel below the Uniden scanners contains (left to right): DB9 connector for the OS535 in the Pro-2035; RJ45 connector to the network router (so I can connect a laptop if needed); RCA connector to the discriminator jack on the Pro-2035; BNC connector to the Electroline splitter.
Nice to finally have everything more or less situated so I can use it. Now, to reduce the pile of boxes in the back of the room and get the bits and pieces organized....
Shack was in the small bedroom at the top of the stairs and the mid-size bedroom was the guest room. The former was just too small for the shack (although it served me well for many years), so I decided to make the small bedroom the guest room and the mid-size bedroom into my shack.
Took the better part of a year to get everything swapped; I've got back problems, and getting the guest room functional was higher priority so when my Mom came to visit she would have a place to sleep. Once that got done I was able to really start on the new shack. And here it is...

On the main desk, there's an RSPduo and an Anytone AT-D578UVIII DMR radio on the top shelf (under the Apple Cinema Display).
On the lower shelf, there's an Icom IC-7300 and IC-R8600, with a Pro-2004 scanner next to the 8600.
Above it mounted on the wall is a 40" TV which can be used as a TV or as another monitor for the Mac Mini on the radio desk. Main computer on the other desk is an M1 Mac Mini with two 27" Dell monitors.

The scanner rack has a Zetron Model 27 receiver monitor panel at the top. The top row is an SDS200 and Pro-2035; below that, two Radio Shack Pro-197s, and below those a Uniden BCD996XT and BCD996T. Finally at the bottom, two Motorola XTL2500s, one VHF and one UHF.
Some of the scanners have separate antennas; the others are connected to a Monitenna clone through an Electroline distribution amp/splitter.
The panel below the Uniden scanners contains (left to right): DB9 connector for the OS535 in the Pro-2035; RJ45 connector to the network router (so I can connect a laptop if needed); RCA connector to the discriminator jack on the Pro-2035; BNC connector to the Electroline splitter.
Nice to finally have everything more or less situated so I can use it. Now, to reduce the pile of boxes in the back of the room and get the bits and pieces organized....