The Shack is Back

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Aug 2, 2012
I promise I'm gonna post a picture of the shack but thought an intro would be appropriate. I had been out of service for a long time both in ham and scanner listening other than occasional scanner listening when I hear a bunch of sirens. A friend and coworker convinced me to get back into it all again. I got a lot of catching up to do, new tech to learn about, etc... I had got my ham license in 1998 and from there got in to packet radio which led me to get more deeply involved in computers. So by 2005 I had mostly gotten out of ham radio and was all about computers, but still maintained my license. All I have left from those days are an HTX-202 an IC-T8A, Uniden 9000XLT, and a Radio Shack Pro-2041 and all sorts of connectors and parts. My friend is one of those zombie apocalypse /preper sorta people but knew nothing about ham radio or scanners but knows that I do. So one day at work he starts asking me all about it and was wanting to get a radio, "In Case The Grid Goes Down" so I told him I knew a good place to get one so we headed there after work. We walked in to the place I had bought my first scanner and ham radio 22 years ago and I was in love all over again. All the shiny new radios, buttons, knobs, new technology arghhhhhh mmmmmm....
Anyway, sorry bout that, I had a flashback. I walked out of there that day with an Ft-857D, Cat cable and software, 35 amp power supply. SWR meter, Antenna tuner, Coax and assorted connectors. Went back yesterday and ordered an IC-7300, picked up some more coax, wire for a dipole and stuff to make a balun. Then last night I bought a used BCD996P2 online, I've never owned a digital scanner nor messed with P25. So You can bet I'll be on here asking questions. Anyways here's my shack as of now, still building. Waiting on the Ic-7300 and the BCD996P to get here.


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New York DB Admin
Database Admin
Mar 2, 2004
Long Island, NY
Congrats and welcome back into the scanning hobby.
A lot of your story sounds like mine. I was licensed in the mid 90's and got into packet radio. I remember node hopping across the US and also through wormholes to the UK via "Lonny". Nothing beat downloading manuals at 1200 baud over packet radio. These were the days before most people had internet in their houses and BBS's were a thing.

I have a few hand me down HTX-202's that saw better days when I got them but kept my Uniden BC200XLT and Kenwood TH-78A well cared for over the years.

Eventually, just like you, I would find myself taking a break from it all. I entered high school and my priorities changed, should we say. I did dabble in scanning a little bit in collect to hear where campus security was up to and to see who drank themselves stupid in the dorms.

Eventually you find your way back into the hobby and it is like riding a bike. You'll quickly pickup where you left off and don't worry about programming the new gear. All of the new options really make the hobby a lot more fun then it was.

The BCD996P2 is a great radio. It will take a little bit of a learning curve to get going. Don't think of P25 as a complex thing. Just think of it as another mode of repeater or trunking and don't be intimidated by it.

Congrats on the new HF gear. I'm still cruising around here with a TS-450SAT.

You'll have a blast with the new toys.
Welcome back!


Feb 18, 2015
Severn, Maryland, USA
KC_zero_DSU, very nice setup. Oh, and BTW, welcome back to both hobbies! Now that you are RADIOactive again, you will have to update your QRZ biography. It reads "Not currently active on the radio. Perhaps in the future when time and finances permit, I'll return to the airwaves." Looks like that time has arrived! I'll be looking for you on the airwaves.

73 es gud DX, Dave K4EET


Aug 2, 2012
Thanks for the welcome. Yep I was using Packet before I ever had internet and then when I did get internet I was telneting in to everything. I remember it was kinda frustrating for me because I was just getting in to computers too and couldn't type worth a crap so I'd get in to a node or couple nodes out and couldn't type fast enough and it would time out on me and I'd have to start all over again. I love my HTX-202, it's in mint condition. And after 22 years I just recently had to replace the memory backup battery. I can't wait to get my new scanner and the 7300 despite my anxiousness over programming the scanner. I'll be on here asking questions for sure.


Aug 2, 2012
KC_zero_DSU, very nice setup. Oh, and BTW, welcome back to both hobbies! Now that you are RADIOactive again, you will have to update your QRZ biography. It reads "Not currently active on the radio. Perhaps in the future when time and finances permit, I'll return to the airwaves." Looks like that time has arrived! I'll be looking for you on the airwaves.

73 es gud DX, Dave K4EET

And thank you for the welcome back as well. Yes I have been active on QRZ but haven't updated anything yet. QRZ is actually where I bought my new scanner. I was shopping for an HF rig on there and was trying to get an FT-991A or an IC-7300 but wasn't fast enough on the draw, everybody was snatching them up before I could. So I just ordered one.
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