I have three 8180 rigs to program. I've explored KPG-89DN on one (firmware 1.22.00) and grok'd basics. This is a feature rich rig and I'm very pleased to have picked them up before prices went nuts for everything good. I have four remaining questions:
1) I haven't spotted Factory Reset in KPG. Is something along those lines needed to eliminate old programming?
2) Thanks to @mmckenna I know that the H model is 10w Low and 45w High. But I haven't found a button assignment to set power. So I set two channels for every freq, one H and one L, as a workaround.
3) Can we enter freqs directly on this rig? Or is that what Kenwood calls Field Programming (TFS)?
4) When I set Home CH/GID as a panel button, I got errmsg on Write to Transceiver, until I took that off the keypad (in image below, it's still turned on). Is that a paid option from KW, or an error on my part?
Here are my panel key assignments so far.

1) I haven't spotted Factory Reset in KPG. Is something along those lines needed to eliminate old programming?
2) Thanks to @mmckenna I know that the H model is 10w Low and 45w High. But I haven't found a button assignment to set power. So I set two channels for every freq, one H and one L, as a workaround.
3) Can we enter freqs directly on this rig? Or is that what Kenwood calls Field Programming (TFS)?
4) When I set Home CH/GID as a panel button, I got errmsg on Write to Transceiver, until I took that off the keypad (in image below, it's still turned on). Is that a paid option from KW, or an error on my part?
Here are my panel key assignments so far.