I noticed that also, spotty, and sometimes one end of the conversation is encrypted. They need to keep both ends in the clear on Channel 1. No real need to encrypt there at all. They have other channels that they can switch to and encrypt away if they need to deal with anything sensitive.
Looks like all dispatch is back to full encryption as of Monday evening. This reminds me of those free preview weekends you used to get on HBO back in the 80's & 90's. Only here, there is no way to continue my subscription.
Once someone gets killed over it the system will be back in the clear and back to normal it's only a matter of time. Kearny is in the same boat, Cops tell me over in Keeary there system is nothing short of worthless half the time the disaptcher can't even hear them and the response from the Police Chief is who cares !! Great town to work for huh.