Totally confused?? Here's a good way to begin!

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Aug 2, 2009
Orlando, Florida, USA
Does all the "new" scanning stuff confuse, frustrate and infuriate you? Below, I gratefully offer a post written by RR member Randall53 whose instructions are articulate and easy to follow:

Ok....I can't find a way to edit my 1st post, but I have done more work on a quick start guide to programming the PRO 197 to anyone who is interested. Here it is:

This is just a quick start guide using WIN500 and the RR database to help other beginners such as myself simply to get their new scanner, Radio Shack PRO 197 working for NOW. We can all “STUDY UP”, ie…”read the manual, wiki notes” and so forth later and grow into the hobby as I’m sure everyone here did.

FIRST, you WILL have to: Subscribe to RadioReference to gain access to the files, download/install the WIN500 software, buy the programming cable and install the drivers for it.

GOOD INFO go here first: WIN500 - UtahRadio

NOTE: USE THE WIN500 - UtahRadio site as a visual reference and follow the instructions below as a walk through that may help. The WARNING note in the above site (step 7 below in my notes) was a bit vague and caused me some trouble, so I’ve added some additional tips.

(If you’re like me and you’ve already got things messed up or not sure what’s in the scanner memory, then start here. If not, go to number 2 and begin)
1. SET MEMORY TO DEFAULT (except V-Scanner Folders) – Press 0 when turning radio on. When Welcome message comes up, press 1 and then press ENT (enter).

2. WIN500 – “FILE” then “Web Import” then “Radio Reference” then pick either TRUNKING or CONVENTIANAL system you’re importing.

3. Enter your Radio Reference “User Name” and “Password” then click “START”

4. COUNTRY field turns blue. Enter info here and the STATE and then the COUNTY that you want to scan.

5. The SYSTEM field turns blue and by clicking on it the different systems available for your county appear.

6. After picking the system you want, you will see a white area with “SITES” and “TALKGROUP groups”

***NOTE: This is where I messed up the first time because I didn’t understand the “WARNING” part of the instructions. To me they were a bit vague even though It’s probably obvious to some, but some of us that are brand new to scanning just takes a little time.***

7. You are required to select a SITE here as well as the talk groups you want to scan. You will have to click on the ”+” by the “SITE” to open this folder and select a site inside this folder. You are then required to click on the “+” by “TALKGROUPS” and then pick the groups you want to scan. BUT you are required to PICK LESS THAN 32 ID’S. (My area had 24 ID’S in the county and city police, so that’s all I picked for my first upload). LOOK AT THE LIST. You’re probably like me and are not interested in maintenance, admin type stuff, so don’t check those if you don’t want them included. At the bottom of the white space, you will see a block titled SELECTED TALK GROUPS. This is the number that must remain below 32.

8. After you have selected your TALKGROUPS, you click on IMPORT THIS SYSTEM.

9. Now you should be looking at WEB IMPORT SETTINGS. Enter a name for SYSTEM TAGS. This is what will show in your scanner window as each scanner group is scanned ”POLICE”, “EMS”, “FIRE RESCUE” etc…then assign a TARGET SCAN LIST FOR TGRP’s and an ALPHA TAG. (I just used the top ones for now). NOW click on “OK”

10. You will now be back to the Talk Group List. Go to the top right hand corner and click on “DONE”. You should be back to the WIN500 home page.

11. Click on the SCANNER tab at the top drop down menu and click on UPLOAD TO SCANNER.

12. Your will see the files on the computer and on the scanner window uploading. Your scanner will reboot and you should be listening to your 1st scan list, or SCAN LIST 1 and seeing the name you put in.

13. REPEAT THESE FOR EACH SCAN LIST. I did Scan 1 = POLICE Scan 2 = MEDICAL EMS Scan 3 = FIRE and so on……to do this I went through these instructions 3 times. But, it got quicker and easier each time.

14. After you complete uploading additional SCAN LISTS (SCAN LIST 2, SCAN LIST 3 etc….) you simply push number 2 to toggle SCAN LIST 2 to ON, number 3 to toggle SCAN LIST 3 to ON and so forth. You can toggle each SCAN LIST off and in in this manner to scan as many as you want.

I hope this helps another NEWBIE like me…..I was really getting frustrated. THANKS TO WHOMEVER WROTE THE WIN500 UTAHRADIO guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’da never made it with the instructions. NOW we can all sit back and listen to our scanner while we study all the great info on Radio Reference and learn more about our new hobby tool. WITHOUT having to explain to our wife, girlfriend etc, why we paid so much for something that we can’t get to WORK!!"

I hope Randall53's post is as helpful to you as it was to me. -Bob


Aug 3, 2011
South Bend, IN

I am a "newbie" and am in the process of programming my GRE600, using ARC software and Radio References databases. This post is a huge help! I was somewhat reluctant to jump into this hobby, given the complexities associated with some scanners. However, after finding this wonderful forum, I am confident my learning curve will not be too steep


Aug 3, 2011
South Bend, IN
Another Question

First thanks for the reply. I bought the PSR600 as a new hobby and am prepared for the challenges. Quick question regarding the AR500 software. The software drivers are installed. When I connect the scanner the COM port is good. When I try to download to the scanner, I do not receive any errors, however, the data is not loaded to my scanner. Any guidance would be appreciated!

Gary Hawkins
South Bend IN
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