No one in this thread tried to make people feel inadequate or stupid. The OP asked a question, and he got the answer; then, the OP asked a follow-up question and got an answer. At no point was anyone trying to make people feel inadequate or make remarks to discourage people. The questions were asked and answered multiple times. GTR was only trying to point out that the info is all there and, better yet, in the Database.
I personally put a lot of work into various wiki pages, so I understand the point that was trying to be made about how we put a good deal of effort into maintaining the Database and/or wiki, only for people not to find them in plain sight or not appreciate the work put into it. I personally would be upset that all the work I put into the wiki went unnoticed. I particularly don't mind the discussion or two about how things operate, but most, if not all, info is in the wiki, forums, or Database as well. And im not going to be spoon-feeding the answers. Most of the info that people are looking for is on various pages. You just have to look and click on a few different things to find what you're looking for. It's as simple as that.
You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.