Tpd Chief

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May 7, 2005
Just Saw That The Tulsa Police Chief Has Been Placed On Leave For Forgetting To Show The Mayor A Report Of Somekind. Anyone Know What Is Up With This?


Sep 29, 2003
Tulsa, OK
The odd thing about this (and all the reports I saw indicate the same thing) is that the chief was the one who ordered the report, not the mayor. Why would the chief order a report that _could_ be critical of his department and reflect badly on him? It almost appears that the chief needed the report to clean up something that had come to his attention. Why would the mayor react as excitedly/angrily as he did in the news conference? It seems a total overreaction considering that the chief had not released the report. Fox News reported something about the $19K for the consulting work, but I didn't catch whether or not the mayor's office knew about the report being ordered via the invoice. The only other thing I can think is that the chief was going to try to embarass the mayor with the contents of the report during the mayoral campaign.

I've emailed my councilman asking that the contents of the report be fully disclosed to the public. I think only then will we know what's actually going on considering that the news agencies are either in the dark or are refusing to report the full story.


Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
I have a very good friend who's brother is an executive officer in TPD. As soon as I heard the report this morning, I went straight to her for the inside scoop. According to her brother (who is VERY concerned he will be the next one on the chopping block), this is a diabolical political stunt to discredit the chief's criticism of the mayor's handling of the PD.

Apparently the insider opposition view of the spiking crime-rate is that it is directly related to two factors: lack of academies and passage of the Lottery. Since it's a well researched fact that a peak in street crime immediately follows the passage of lotteries, LaFortune could not have picked a worse time to cancel academies. Apparently Been pointed this out. Seems to me that back when LaFortune canceled the academies he must have been aware that the passage of the Lottery was a foregone conclusion and a crime wave was in our future. I can see why he's being criticized.

In any case, I don't see how ordering that independent SWAT report was a bad idea. It needed to be done. And if the mayor really suspended Been because of the report, this must go down as one of the strangest overreactions in the history of the city. Consider the interruption to an already strapped department caused by jerking the top man with no notice! What a mess. Such an action is usually reserved for catching a chief taking bribes or video taping little girls — not for holding on to a critical report. In the real world, the problem with the report could have been handled with a phone call.

Something is so not right here.

Does anyone suddenly feel like we're in Chicago in 1932?


Dec 19, 2002
commenting from reading only what's here and the linked article, I'd say this isn't the whole story. Either there is a history of head-butting between these two and this is tit-for-tat, or there's a whole lot more to this story than has been released. I don't follow the Tulsa news, but I'm now pretty interested to see how this plays out. Hope you all will keep up posted on what happens!


Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
mfolta1 said:
i personally feel this topic does not belong on this page.

You're kidding, right? I've seen hobby-cop related issues from wackers to officer involved dog shootings discussed at length on this page. How can we go on for four pages about fake police cars and not draw a penalty flag yet the top level corruption of something we're all interested in gets the kibosh after only four posts.

I was really interested in the perspective this community might have on this issue, but I guess never mind.

Wait! I know! Can I talk about it if I listen to KOTV's UHF audio feed on my scanner before discussing it here?


Oct 13, 2002
Stillwater, OK
mfolta1 said:
how about we use this page as a radio/scanning page as it was meant to be and you guys keep an eye on all the media outlets for updates??? i personally feel this topic does not belong on this page.
Would it surprise you to learn that not all of us have ready access to the Tulsa media, and the OKC and the non-Tulsa-area media is not spending a lot of time covering this story? I personally feel that the subject is within the permissible topic range of this forum, and those that are interested should continue to post in this thread. Those that aren't interested can skip over it.

Mark S.


Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
Well, it happened. My friends brother was one of the executives who was shuffled around. Throughout his lengthly TPD career, the city has invested nearly a million dollars in tactics, weapons, anti-terror, disaster and munitions training for this man. And now he's been moved to Records.

I guess the city will have to delay spending on radio upgrades so they can retrain someone to take his place (I only mention this to keep the discussion on topic).

All that investment flushed because LaFortune can't take criticism. I should have voted for Paul Tai. At least he has an inflatable penis.


Feb 17, 2003
Bixby, OK
FWIW, I happen to have a buddy that is, lets say upper management on TPD. He gave me some points to look for, and I'll pose this as a question for you guys..............What does the Mayor have to gain from this? Who ordered the investigation into the SWAT team? And for what reason? Was trainning monies recently discussed at a recent Tulsa City Council meeting? Are funds avalible for Training?...........................All signs point to the Mayor and his political campaign.


May 7, 2005
When I Started This Post I Was Just Looking For Info About This Subject And Was Not Looking To Start A Political Discusion About It. I Think Maybe That Thiss Thread Sould Be Closed And One Started In The Tavern If We Want To Keep Discussing The Subject.


Oct 13, 2002
Stillwater, OK
mfolta1 said:
ok people, i will ask the webmaster to change the name to
Mike, time to take a chill pill, dude.

mfolta1 said:
jesus,if you want the news etc,
Another shocker for you: people on dialup internet access (still abut 50% of all internet-using computer users, according to a survey I saw last year) have problems with accessing most stories on TV station's websites and can't view many/most of the stories due to lengthy download times. And the Tulsa World website wants you to pay to access their stuff.

mfolta1 said:
if you wanna flame and chit chat then go , im sure delgiorno would love to have you.
Who's this? Never heard of him/her.

As for flames, you're the one that jumped in here and started complaining. As I said before, if this topic isn't of interest to you, then don't read it, simple as that.

Kinda reminds me of the story about the elderly maiden lady who looks out her kitchen window one summer day and sees two little boys from down the road skinny-dipping in the creek behind her house. She calls the sheriff to complain, the sheriff comes out and tells the boys to move down the creek so as not to upset the lady.

A couple of days later the woman calls the sheriff again, and complains that when she looks out her upstairs bedroom window she can still see the little boys. The sheriff tells the little boys to move way down the creek.

All is well for about a week, then the sheriff gets a call from the woman: "Sheriff, when I look out the window in the attic with a pair of binoculars I can still see the boys!"

Moral of the story: If somebody is determined to be offended by the actions of others, then there's not much that can be done.

Mark S.

Edit: I PM'd an administrator, asking him to give his opinion on this topic. If he says it has to go, OK. If he says it's alright, will that satisfy you, Mike?
Last edited:


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
After reading through this thread I would say that there is at least one person who needs to consider that you are reading this thread because you want to. Regional forums are for discussions of radio related matters for that region. It seems to me a shake-up in the police department is related closely enough to qualify.

So, mfolta1, if you don't like the subject matter and since it seems to fit the criteria for this regional forum, I would suggest that you just "unsubscribe" from the thread (see tools at the top of the thread) and then just don't click on it again.


Dec 19, 2004
Tulsa, OK
mfolta1 said:
....i work for ch 8 and all day long and all night long monday,tues morn i am grilled with questions about this situation,then other people who know my relationship with tpd start grilling me,, so i come home and am trying to shut out all the "chief" bulls$^t and i come here to read any new scanner or radio stuff and whats the 1st thing i see?? "tpd chief".....

Who was grilling you on here?

why even read a thread titled "TPD CHIEF" if you were "trying to shut out all the 'chief' bulls$^t"?


Feb 17, 2003
Bixby, OK
mfolta1 said:
ok ill give in, excuse my comments. nobody grilled me on here, i have edited all my posts to reflect the topic. did anybody see all the good things that have happened lately "while been was still chief",, the armed robberies back in dec/january, all suspects caught and charged, last night the armed robbery task force caught the two robbers from the recent convenience store robberies, an arrest made public on monday and will be an even bigger story by the end of next week regarding a rape suspect,,. last week a tpd officer saved a person from a burning apartment. the new chief will have some tough shoes to fill. anybody read yet where the mayor said he "MISPOKE" monday? anybody wanna bet on who the new chief will be? that will be a good topic.

Sounds like you and I are on the same page...........It's a good thing there is an election for a NEW mayor comming up.
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