Flightwise is my favorite, along with Flightaware.
Haven't come across Flightwise, so I'll have to check them out. You're correct about the lack of GA flights on Flightaware. Yes, you'll get a GIV if it happens to be part of a regular charter service, like West Coast Charters out here, but the normal Cessna 172 doing pattern work never shows up. Part of the problem is most GA flights work VFR and don't bother filing a flight plan, which would then be tracked.
Despite their limitations, Flightaware and LiveATC.net are still fun to play around with. I'm definitely an aviation buff. Even though I have a triple trunking scanner, I mostly use it to listen to ATC or unicom traffic when I visit local airports.
When you're on Flightaware, go to photos and search this user name: davidhcrocker, and you'll see roughly 1,100 photos that I've taken at various So Cal airports over the past year.