I'm itching to build some, but I have some questions:
1. The term broadband when used in relation to TLTs seems to refer to 1-50MHz max, not exactly the 30-800MHz I'm looking for. While I realize that they are mostly for high power 1-50MHz amateur transmission impedance matching, is there any core material that is useful at 30-500+MHz?
2. Is there a guide or a reference sheet somewhere that lists various core materials and their use cases, parameters and qualities?
3. What is it about permeability? How is higher/lower permeability related to frequency cutoff? How is it related to power both in receive only mode, low transmit and 50W+ transmit?
I'm slowly going through Amidon's TLT Ref Handbook, and I also got Sevick's book but haven't had the chance to start it.
I'm itching to build some, but I have some questions:
1. The term broadband when used in relation to TLTs seems to refer to 1-50MHz max, not exactly the 30-800MHz I'm looking for. While I realize that they are mostly for high power 1-50MHz amateur transmission impedance matching, is there any core material that is useful at 30-500+MHz?
2. Is there a guide or a reference sheet somewhere that lists various core materials and their use cases, parameters and qualities?
3. What is it about permeability? How is higher/lower permeability related to frequency cutoff? How is it related to power both in receive only mode, low transmit and 50W+ transmit?
I'm slowly going through Amidon's TLT Ref Handbook, and I also got Sevick's book but haven't had the chance to start it.