Here is a trick. It's simple and has been used for a long time. If your scanner is not picking up voice traffic while monitoring at TDMA or FDMA system you should do this. I am a fan of NAC scanning. If all of the scanner feeds were like this it would be much more fun. All you do with your PSR 800 is program all of the voice frequencies of the radio system you would like to monitor into a simple scan group, along with the NAC(3 digit access code which all p25 fundamentally run on)
Doing this will give you all of the system traffic with no ability to monitor an individual talk group. However the audio can be tracked pretty simple due to the fact of the frequencies jumping in the trunked system.
Doing this will give you all of the system traffic with no ability to monitor an individual talk group. However the audio can be tracked pretty simple due to the fact of the frequencies jumping in the trunked system.