I guess the bottom line is they work darn good for $71.00 a pair PP from Amazon. The range is about the same as GMRS radios, they are basically 99.9% secure.
If someone wants to go to the trouble of following me around with a Opto Explorer everywhere I go, let them.
I live in a rural area and if I see someone following me everywhere I go while talking on my 300's, we are going to have a little "Jesus come to meeting moment".
I experience no interfearence, if I go to a big race or other event, the people with the GMRS radios are having a terrable time talking because everyone is walking all over them. Should the other person not be able to hear me due to too much noise, I can always text them.
I can't think of anyplace you can find a set of radios with the features of the Trisquare radios for such a low price, they flat work. Lastly, they are compact, have little stubby antennas, the clip sucks, buy a belt holder and better earphones if you want them, use Vox if desired and you have the ideal radio within their limits.
I live in a fairly flat valley, it goes from higher on two sides of the valley where mountains are and has scattered homes, I have talked as far as 5+ miles and talk with a friend at 3.5 miles as the crow flies all of the time, clear as can be, no noise like the GMRS when they get near their limits.
I don't care if they are analog or digital or anything else being commented on, I think they are the best deal for line of sight communications out there.
Are there better, sure, if you want to spend many times what the TC 300's cost.
If you are using them for some illegal activity or something highly classified, then maybe someone will go to the trouble of trying to stay close enough to you with a near field scanner, but for 99.99% of uses, nobody is going to hear your conversation, I like that along with the clear audio and not having to listen to routy kids playing with GMRS or tring to find a channel where you can talk at a major event.
I spent about $22.00 and got their accessory kit with another charger, 2 batteries and two earphones, I got a 12 V cord for less than $10.00. Now I have all these extras for about the price people are selling two batteries for, one charger for the house, one in my truck. I always have an extra stock battery and can put in AA's if necessary.
The carry case at $12.00 is nice also.
So one can argue all the fine points, but these work fantastic and have great privacy and no interfearence, I don't use my GMRS. I bought the TS 300's right after getting Midland GMRS radios (good bubble packs) so I never bothered to send the Government $85.00, something that ticks me off to no end.
I only use the TS radios and keep a GMRS for emergencys when I might not have cell service and hope someone hears me.
The quality GMRS radios are darn nice, but the idiots with the bubble pack radios are hurting those who wish to use the band as it should be. I think it's going to turn into another CB frequency and I hate to see this. A lot of bubble packs are being sold, at $40.00 and under, just about everyone seems to have a set. Some areas have much more use than others, but they are a problem. My friends have all got a set, we can talk to everyone or I can just talk to one person in the group, something you cannot do with bubble packs.
I hold no ham licenses, am just getting interested in radio again, but if I get my ticket and I intend to, I won't be geting a GMRS ticket, I'll go for a band with people who follow the rules for the most part.
My Best, John