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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Trouble hearing repeater on Tidradio but ok with Baofeng


Feb 1, 2019
I'm a ham op and just recently obtained my GMRS license. I picked up four cheap handies: Tidradio H3 and H8, Baofeng UV-21 Pro v2 and GM-T8. I configured all four with local repeaters and their tones. There is one repeater that works perfectly on both Baofengs and not the Tidradios. With the H3/H8 the display turns on when RX and I see the signal, but nothing comes out the speaker. I press monitor and I can hear the conversation just fine. OK figure it is the squelch so I drop it to zero and still cannot hear anything (Baofengs are set to 3). I cannot figure out what is wrong. I even went as far as to write down each menu item and their individual settings on paper to compare. Same RX/TX freq., same D125N for both on all four radios. It isn't a weak signal that one picks up better than another, as the repeater is 3 miles from me and using the same external antenna. I can hear the repeater ID every time on all radios. Freq/Tones given to me by Owner so should be correct (especially since it works on 2 of 4 radios)

At a loss here.
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Feb 18, 2015
Severn, Maryland, USA
Make sure that your Tidradios are set to carrier squelch for receive. Sounds possibly like your squelch is not opening for lack of a correct code.


Oct 14, 2015
Lowestoft - UK
if the Baofeng allows programming -set up a transmit frequency, on the repeater output and enter the repeater tone. See if the Tidradio lets you hear. If not, you've probably set the tone frequency incorrectly. As mentioned above, why not turn off receive tone and go back to normal old fashioned squelch and see if that works. Fiddling is kind is kind of what ham radio is all about.


Feb 1, 2019
Thanks to both for replying. I have RX 462.725 with D125N and TX 467.725 with D125N also. Baofeng "just works" (both directions), while Tidradio shows something coming in but can't hear unless I hit MONI. @paulears I set the Baofeng to transmit on the 462.725 with D125N and I can hear it on the Tidradio just fine. So it seems the Tidradio should be configured correctly. Again I have the sql = 0 and still doesn't help.

Edit: Also, sure I could just turn off the RX part, but now it's more of a "I have to figure out why" now lol.
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Oct 14, 2015
Lowestoft - UK
If you have the squelch at zero - that would normally be open. I guess the filter frequency could be wrong, or maybe the radio expects a higher tone level. Just turn off receive tone so the thing hisses like mad with squelch on zero - that should be the same as monitor button prodding, and put it back to the setting where the squelch closes


Jun 20, 2005
Travelers Rest, SC
It seems the Tidradio H8 and the Senhaix GT-12 both have problems decoding DTC or digital tone squelch. They both are bluetooth programmable and have similar capabilities although the GT-12 is an amateur radio. Maybe a problem inherit with the radio chip?