Hi, new to scanning, looking for a bit of advice with a Pro-164 I was given as a gift. Before I get into my questions I'll mention that I did place an order for a data cable to program it with my PC, but there's some kind of back order issue with Radioshack, so my order was delayed. I expect it within a few weeks but in the meantime I'd like to start scanning the Chester County Trunk System if at all possible.
While browsing these forums what I've gathered is that this system will be difficult, if at all possible to scan as a trunk system due to it being LTR Multinet, but here goes an explanation on what I've already done.
I stumbled across this thread a few days ago. What's confusing me here, is the first grouping of frequencies is named as "All." Now, is this a blanket frequency set for all of the Chester County system, or no, because it differs a good bit from each individual township listing below. As it stands I programmed the "All" list into a bank on my scanner in the order presented, set the bank to LTR mode and set each individual channel to LTR. These 23 frequencies are the only ones stored in the bank in question. Along with that I put all the provided talkgroup IDs in. When I tab through the frequencies manually I get bits and pieces and halves of conversations, and when I put it into scan mode it might stop to pick something up once every half hour or so.
So, I know a lot of that was probably completely clueless and maybe even painful to read, but programming and getting this scanner to function properly has confused me beyond throwing down the conventional frequencies for my county. If this LTR Multinet system is untrackable with my scanner, would I be better served to just program the 800mhz Conventional frequencies for Chester into a bank and scan them than try to tackle this trunked system? Honestly, aside from the couple of County-wide Fire Dispatch frequencies, the Krapf bus drivers, and some oddball maintenance groups from various business, I don't get anything from the other conventional freqs. I had the glorious plans of listening to primarily police bands but it seems to be fizzling out the more I read into this.
Thanks to anyone who reads this, I appreciate any and all help that's available.
While browsing these forums what I've gathered is that this system will be difficult, if at all possible to scan as a trunk system due to it being LTR Multinet, but here goes an explanation on what I've already done.
I stumbled across this thread a few days ago. What's confusing me here, is the first grouping of frequencies is named as "All." Now, is this a blanket frequency set for all of the Chester County system, or no, because it differs a good bit from each individual township listing below. As it stands I programmed the "All" list into a bank on my scanner in the order presented, set the bank to LTR mode and set each individual channel to LTR. These 23 frequencies are the only ones stored in the bank in question. Along with that I put all the provided talkgroup IDs in. When I tab through the frequencies manually I get bits and pieces and halves of conversations, and when I put it into scan mode it might stop to pick something up once every half hour or so.
So, I know a lot of that was probably completely clueless and maybe even painful to read, but programming and getting this scanner to function properly has confused me beyond throwing down the conventional frequencies for my county. If this LTR Multinet system is untrackable with my scanner, would I be better served to just program the 800mhz Conventional frequencies for Chester into a bank and scan them than try to tackle this trunked system? Honestly, aside from the couple of County-wide Fire Dispatch frequencies, the Krapf bus drivers, and some oddball maintenance groups from various business, I don't get anything from the other conventional freqs. I had the glorious plans of listening to primarily police bands but it seems to be fizzling out the more I read into this.
Thanks to anyone who reads this, I appreciate any and all help that's available.