In 1931 Tulsa received their first radio license KGPO at the same time several other cities around the country were implementing radio communication systems, Los Angles first license was KGPL. These were one way transmissions. At that time the TPD was located at 4th and Elgin, just south of the present KOTV studios. The dispatch was located in the basement an insulated tower was installed on the roof and was fed by a 250 Watt transmitter operating around 1700 KHZ. A telephone circuit connected the Fire Department to the transmitter. Both police cars and fire engines were equipped with receivers. TPD would dispatch calls unless there was a fire and then TFD would take control. Tulsa had a Gamewell call box system some boxes were for the police to talk with the dispatchers the pull station fire alarm boxes when opened had a small bell a telegraph key and a special telephone jack so the firemen could plug their phone and hit two blows on the key this signaled the fire alarm office and they would know which circuit to plug into to talk to the fire crews.
Stand by for my next installment!
Stand by for my next installment!