I actually agree. I was very, very excited to see it. I think the whole idea was great. I hosted a watch party for my office and everything. The debate of what condition it would be in just added to the excitment, if you ask me.
Not only did Erling call it a 46 star flag, he also kept calling it "Old Faithful" like the geyser, not "Old Glory" like the flag.
I don't mean to throw a damper on things, but I thought the production of the unveiling was kind of weird and disjointed. I felt very uncomfortable thinking outside media would be judging Tulsa by Erling's odd verbal ejaculations (sorry, that's the correct term), the weird music they played as they lifted the curtan, the awkwardly jammed in commercial breaks, the jaw-droppingly inexcusable quality of the commercials themselves and the audio problems and misscues. While I feel the car event overall was well handled, I think the live broadcast part of it wasn't really planned very well. Just a bunch of people bumping into each other on stage while passing papers and rusted cans of beer back and forth. I think they should have hired an agency or production company to do the actual show. Espically with the world watching.
But the car itself? It was a really cool thing to be here for. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.