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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Tweaking a Uniden 980 SSB

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Apr 16, 2004
Is there anyway for a semi-novice without bench tools (scopes & analizers) to tweak a new Uniden 980 SSB for increased AM, SSB output and better modulation? I have seen pics posted elsewhere showing the relevant pots to be tuned, but can it be done with any degree of accuracy and without harming the radio?
The reason I ask is I found a local dealer who has quoted me an amazing price on a new 980 SSB but he doesn't do any bench work and I've heard these can be dogs out of the box with Uniden trying to stay FCC compliant. We're talking a $60-$80 difference in price for the radio and a bench tune up from a lot of other CB shops I've checked into. I don't want to talk to Bolivia just maximize what the 980 will do.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
Is there anyway for a semi-novice without bench tools (scopes & analizers) to tweak a new Uniden 980 SSB for increased AM, SSB output and better modulation? I have seen pics posted elsewhere showing the relevant pots to be tuned, but can it be done with any degree of accuracy and without harming the radio?
The reason I ask is I found a local dealer who has quoted me an amazing price on a new 980 SSB but he doesn't do any bench work and I've heard these can be dogs out of the box with Uniden trying to stay FCC compliant. We're talking a $60-$80 difference in price for the radio and a bench tune up from a lot of other CB shops I've checked into. I don't want to talk to Bolivia just maximize what the 980 will do.

The greatest tweak you can do for a radio is the antenna.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Is there anyway for a semi-novice without bench tools (scopes & analizers) to tweak a new Uniden 980 SSB for increased AM, SSB output and better modulation? I have seen pics posted elsewhere showing the relevant pots to be tuned, but can it be done with any degree of accuracy and without harming the radio?
The reason I ask is I found a local dealer who has quoted me an amazing price on a new 980 SSB but he doesn't do any bench work and I've heard these can be dogs out of the box with Uniden trying to stay FCC compliant. We're talking a $60-$80 difference in price for the radio and a bench tune up from a lot of other CB shops I've checked into. I don't want to talk to Bolivia just maximize what the 980 will do.

Violation of FCC regulations to exceed 4 watts AM, and 12 watts PEP on SSB.


Jul 12, 2011
Violation of FCC regulations to exceed 4 watts AM, and 12 watts PEP on SSB.

Doesn't sound like he's looking for mega watts or illegal mods. He just wants the most performance out of the radio he can get. How many HAMs adjust their rigs to get the most out of their radios? Adjust the ALC, turn up or down the sensitivity of the receive etc? Get an alignment to make sure it's on frequency? Sure it's probably good as is, from the factory but things do get mucked up during shipment from time to time. I've also heard of manufacturers turning down the output below the legal limits. :)

Besides all he may need is a power mic or different microphone to get better performance out of the radio.
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Mar 6, 2004
Paige, Republic of Texas
A. Apples and oranges.
B. How many hams have no clue how to do it properly and end up doing more harm than good?
C. All a power mic will do is cause distortion on transmit and have no effect on receive.


Jan 3, 2009
knoxville tn
Is there anyway for a semi-novice without bench tools (scopes & analizers) to tweak a new Uniden 980 SSB for increased AM, SSB output and better modulation? I have seen pics posted elsewhere showing the relevant pots to be tuned, but can it be done with any degree of accuracy and without harming the radio?
The reason I ask is I found a local dealer who has quoted me an amazing price on a new 980 SSB but he doesn't do any bench work and I've heard these can be dogs out of the box with Uniden trying to stay FCC compliant. We're talking a $60-$80 difference in price for the radio and a bench tune up from a lot of other CB shops I've checked into. I don't want to talk to Bolivia just maximize what the 980 will do.

From the factory my 980 was only set at 3 watts on AM. I turned it down to 1 1/2 watt but if you want to turn yours up its a very simple procedure although you won't get much more than 5 watts out of it on AM. you can't get much more than the 12 on ssb. you might squeeze 15 on sideband but no more. Not a loud modulator either. this radio is pretty well made to stay somewhat in the legal limits. if you want more power you'd be better off to turn it down and get a little amp. If you want to know where the pots are for the 980 go to cbradio.magazine.com and watch the video. it's simple to do if you want to do it yourself.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 29, 2006
Is there anyway for a semi-novice without bench tools (scopes & analizers) to tweak a new Uniden 980 SSB for increased AM, SSB output and better modulation? I have seen pics posted elsewhere showing the relevant pots to be tuned, but can it be done with any degree of accuracy and without harming the radio?
The reason I ask is I found a local dealer who has quoted me an amazing price on a new 980 SSB but he doesn't do any bench work and I've heard these can be dogs out of the box with Uniden trying to stay FCC compliant. We're talking a $60-$80 difference in price for the radio and a bench tune up from a lot of other CB shops I've checked into. I don't want to talk to Bolivia just maximize what the 980 will do.

Nope, leave it alone. ;)



Jan 3, 2009
knoxville tn
You're right it's Probably better off to leave it alone. the 980 can't be tweaked enough to make a big difference anyway. If you do decide to turn it up the pot is RT206 but be careful it is a small pot and does not have a stopping point it will go up to about 5 watts then start all over again. Is it worth the 1 extra watt probably not.


Apr 16, 2004
That's what I was afraid of. Getting one of those that are putting out 3 watts AM or 10 watts SSB out of the box. I'm only looking for 4-5 watts AM and 15-20 watts SSB with good Modulation.


Jan 3, 2009
knoxville tn
They are still a very good radio even though they are very limited. I like the surface mount board.. You can get the 5 watts out of them you're looking for but that's about it. I'd leave it at the factory setting since 5 is the maximum it'll do. there isn't enough difference between 4 and 5 watts to make a difference anyway IMO. I swap mine out with my galaxy 99v2 sometimes just because ssb is so much quieter with the 980. The biggest issue I have with the 980 is the screen is made cheap. it will scratch very easily. not saying this is the politically correct route but if you wanted to boost your signal just a little bit you could turn your AM power down to around 1.5 watts and buy a kl-203 amp for about $70.00 and you'd be happy with the results. The amp would dead key around 30 and swing up to around 80-100 on AM. it's a fairly cheap way to get the results you're looking for.


Jan 3, 2009
knoxville tn
From the factory my 980 was only set at 3 watts on AM. I turned it down to 1 1/2 watt but if you want to turn yours up its a very simple procedure although you won't get much more than 5 watts out of it on AM. you can't get much more than the 12 on ssb. you might squeeze 15 on sideband but no more. Not a loud modulator either. this radio is pretty well made to stay somewhat in the legal limits. if you want more power you'd be better off to turn it down and get a little amp. If you want to know where the pots are for the 980 go to cbradiomagazine.com and watch the video. it's simple to do if you want to do it yourself.

Edit: cbradiomagazine.com Written down wrong in previous post.


Jan 13, 2014
Washago, Ontario
Just purchased a 980 and I have no illusion nor am I willing to tweak my unit. It was designed to remain with in the FCC requirements, being a US based unit, and Uniden has designed it to be really tamper proof. But that being said, anything can be jiggered to do something it wasn't meant to do.

From most of my research, it would appear that the only way you will free band this unit is if someone at Uniden releases the Firmware and programming for the microprocessor used in this unit. It is software defined and that is going to be highly guarded.

The unit stays spot on frequency, it does not suffer with drift as other units do, and it has very clear voice transmission from all the reports on the unit. SO play with in the boundaries! Want to go further?? Get your amateur license then! You can go further for less money and there are more people to talk too.


Jan 3, 2009
knoxville tn
Just purchased a 980 and I have no illusion nor am I willing to tweak my unit. It was designed to remain with in the FCC requirements, being a US based unit, and Uniden has designed it to be really tamper proof. But that being said, anything can be jiggered to do something it wasn't meant to do.

From most of my research, it would appear that the only way you will free band this unit is if someone at Uniden releases the Firmware and programming for the microprocessor used in this unit. It is software defined and that is going to be highly guarded.

The unit stays spot on frequency, it does not suffer with drift as other units do, and it has very clear voice transmission from all the reports on the unit. SO play with in the boundaries! Want to go further?? Get your amateur license then! You can go further for less money and there are more people to talk too.

Congrats on your new radio you'll love it. You're right it's good right out of the box. I think in most cases people use a little more power just to talk dx and don't abuse the higher power. there are some that totally disrespects others and interfere with everyone and everything and thats wrong. For the most part even though not technally legal it's much more fun to be able to talk to the UK and other countries which is almost impossible to do in a mobile without a boost. it can be done but it's not very often and is far more difficult to do. I personally don't have a problem with a little extra boost and a few extra channels but its not for everyone. I actually talk to a guy in Phoenix Arizona about 5 times a month and its always pre-planed. so far we've made contact every single time that we planned it out. Just been lucky the conditions were good. with that said it also requires a little boost and a frequency a little further north of 405. not much further just a tad. can't do it with my 980 so I use the 99v2. I actually love both radios and swap them out every once and a while. I even have alot of ham buddies that enjoy the 11 meter band just as much if not more than the ham bands and they do boost their signal just a bit on 11 meters. as long as you don't splatter and produce all kinds of crazy harmonics and cause trouble, in other words use common sense there's really nothing wrong with having a little fun with the hobby even if its a little outside the rules. imo
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 8, 2004
Gulfport, MS
Uniden Bearcat 980

A friend purchased an Icom IC-718 and did the Mars Modification. With this you can transmit in the 26-27 Mhz band at and up to 100 watts SSB about 40 AM although he keeps it within the legal power limits.
I know he does some CW on CB. The radio will do 5 watts and 12 watts on AM / SSB respectively. He uses the radio as a short wave receiver for the other bands. I know he does not transmit on the other bands because his antenna is a vertical CB antenna.
Probably an expensive way to go.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
Google the Stryker 955. Happiness is one clearly labeled SMD jumper away.


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello All: Yes I agree the Stryker 955 is the way to go, being on the CB and Ham Bands for years and years this radio allows me to use 12, 11, and 10 meters with about 65 watts out PEP on SSB, plenty of signal power. Some even use the 955 to drive a amplifier for more power.

It has a great working noise blanker, the face plate light can be dimmed for night travel, it can be turned down in power from the front panel, and many other functions.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
Hello All: Yes I agree the Stryker 955 is the way to go, being on the CB and Ham Bands for years and years this radio allows me to use 12, 11, and 10 meters with about 65 watts out PEP on SSB, plenty of signal power.

Actually, it will do that on AM.
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